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 They looked at each other before saying sure. They both got ready, and we hopped in the car. The car trip was quiet, and no one really said much. "So, what's your plan with my brother." Leo asked looking up from his phone. "I don't know, maybe marry him and have kids? Not sure I've never really thought of it" I said. "That's not what Emiley said when we asked" Faith pipped in. "First, I'm not Emiley and 2, what did she say?" I quickly looked at them before looking back onto the road. "She said she was only using Carter for his money and body." He snapped looking really mad. "I'm glad that's not what you said, because you're a lot prettier than her!" Hope (I've changed her name from Faith to Hope because I thought Y/N and Fryboy having a daughter named Faith was better) said more happily. I smiled and put some music on, both me and Hope sung our hearts out while Noah (Again I changed his name from Leo to Noah because I thought Y/N and Fryboy having a son named Leo was better hehe)  just sat there shaking his head as we sung louder and louder. 

When we finally got to the mall Hope, and I were a lot closer after we found out we both liked the same band. "Can we go to the gaming shop" Naoh asked me. "No! I want to go to the show shop!" They both glared at each-other, and I had an idea. "What if since Noah asked first, we go to the gaming shop then when he's done, we can go to the shoe shop then a shop I want to go to." They smiled and we went shopping. Noah spent $250 at the gaming shop and Hope spent $350 at the shoe shop but I didn't mind they both got something they've both really wanted for a while, and I was making quite a bit of money from my acting. "Where do you want to go Y/N?" Hope asked while we walked out of the shop. "You'll see." First, we got some lunch then we walked over to the arcade. "THE ARCADE!" Both Noah and Hope yelled in excitement. Here the arcade was really expensive, but it was worth it. We got our tickets, and I gave them $200 worth of game credits (Making it 1mil worth) to spend. They were having so much fun, I join them a few times but most of the time I just sat and texted Fryboy. {Ring, Ring} *Oh god why is he calling instead of texting* I thought picking up the phone. "Hey babe" he said in a happier sort of voice. "Hey, what's up?" I asked. "There's a gift waiting for you when you get home" he said. "What for?" I was confused why was there a gift there for me. "I thought I'd get you something since you've spent a lot of money on my brother and sister, and because I knew you wanted one for a while." I had no idea what it could have been, but I guess we would find out. 

When I got home the whole family was waiting outside. "What happened is everything ok?" I asked rushing over. "Yes, dear everything's fine we just thought we'd give you your gift outside" she smiled, he smiled was warm and full of love, she would be a perfect grandmother. "Come with me babe just close your eyes" Fryboy said walking over to me. I grabbed his hand as he walked me over towards the back yard. We stood there for a few minutes before I heard Fryboy say, "Ok you can open them" As I opened my eyes I almost cried. Sitting in Fryboy's arms was a 2-month-old puppy. (Btw I don't know that breed lol) "BABE" I cried in tears. "This is well she doesn't have a name; I knew you wanted a puppy for a longggg time and since you've been the best girlfriend ever, I thought what not give you one." He smiled as he handed her to me. I buried my face into her fur she was perfect and the breed I wanted to. "I'll call her Luna." 

This is Luna btw: 

This is Luna btw: 

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As I took her inside, I couldn't stop telling her how cute she was and how much love she was going to get. "I think I got you the right gift." Fryboy smiled while you sat down on the bed. "This is the best thing you've ever done!" I told hugging Luna close before putting her down on the bed. "I thought you might like her; mum helped me pick her out." "I love that woman already" I said patting Luna on the head. Fryboy chuckled, he looked so relaxed after being here he looked as if nothing had happened between us, even if it was only the other day we got back together. I didn't want to relationship to send again, he done so much for me he was way better then Jackson, Jackson used me for my body and never cared how I felt, Fryboy however loved me for me, he bought me gifts and took me places he made sure I was alright before he as, it made me feel like I hadn't done enough for him. That night while we laid in bed it had me thinking, and Fryboy must of notice. "My Clown what's wrong?" He asked turning to face me. "You've done all of this; you've spent so much time and money on me and yet I feel like I haven't done anything back..." I whimpered. I looked at Luna who was asleep in between our legs and the end of the bed.  "Baby, you being my girlfriend is enough, you giving me cuddles telling me you love me, waking up beside you buying you gifts and you loving them, that there shows me how much you love me, the way you act with my family I don't want you to ever think that haven't done anything ok." He pulled me into a hug pushing my head into his neck resting his hand on my head. I rested my head and pulled my hands up to lay on his chest, I loved him, and he really loved me. I decided what I wanted to do with Fryboy in the future I want to start a family with him, I want to love him till the daytime ends, HE was my soulmate no one else. 

Hey guys! I hope you like your new puppy lol, I will be using the breed all the time because it's my favorite breed but I don't know what's it called please tell me  😭😭😭😭 It took me like a day to think of the name I was going with Missy but I thought Luna was better, and so sorry about all the name changes I just thought Y/N and Fryboy having a son and daughter, Faith and Leo sounded better lol. That's it from me! Bye my Trickster's! 😈

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