+Heart tide up+

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I didn't want to lose him.....

During work I could see him walking towards me but I just slid away. I didn't want to talk to him and seeing him with other girls just made my heart worse. His ex who I found out was named Emily (not real it's just for the story) still hated me. I slid around before bumping into a familiar face I'd wished to never see again. "Y/N??" He called excitedly. "Ja-Jackson..." I turned around in horror seeing him. "Dame you look good in that~ why don't you come back to mine and we have a little fun like the good old days~" He walked closer and I was right up against the wall. "No get away from me!" I tried to push him away but it was no hope. Just as he was about to hit me he cried in pain. I looked up to see Fry pulling him by his hair dragging him away. He came over to me standing in front of me. "Who the fuck are you? Her new boyfriend?" He yelled catching the security's guards attention. "No I'm not I'm her friend and you better stay away from her raspiest" He snarled. Soon security came over and arrested him for attempted rape. I was relieved but still shaky. Fryboy turned around to me and looked at me with puppy eyes. "Are you ok?" He asked sounding concerned. "Yeah I guess just mind your own business..." I mumbled leaving him in shock. I slid away never seeing him for the rest of the night. My heart was tide up in knot...

When I walked through the door I ran straight to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and looked up and down eyeing my body. I started crying knowing I was ugly (btw your not no one is it's just again for the story. BUT NEVER LET ANYONE SAY YOUR UGLY OR ELSE!) My phone started buzzing and it was Alex and Lexie along with Fry. I ignored all of them and just sat there crying. I eventually went to bed hoping it was all a bad dream.

When I woke up I had 107 missed calls some being form Lexie and Alex but most of them being from Fry. It was a Monday so we had day off and went to work at night, it was like that until Sunday the only day we work day shift. As I walked out of bed my phone started ringing. I picked it up knowing it the one and only Fryboy. "Hello? Y/N are you ok?" He asked panicking. "Yes I'm fine, now what the fuck do you want" I groaned not wanting to talk to him. "Something wrong why are you ignoring me? What are you avoiding me!?" He said sounded like he was about to cry. I hung up not wanting to deal with his shit anymore. I decided to call Lexi and Alex and tell them everything and what I was feeling.

After I got off the phone I heard a knock on the door wishing Fryboy would just leave me alone.I walked over and opened in. "Leave me alone." I said about to close the door before he stopped it with his hand. "What the fuck happened, what happened to you loving to have me over or always hanging out with me huh!" He seemed pretty mad and it mad me nervous. "I- I can't tell you... or you'll judge me.." I said softly. "You can tell me anything and I won't judge" he reassured. He walked in and I walked into my bed room locking the door while he sat down on the lounge chair. *what do I say? He'll think I'm one of those girls obsessed with him?* I started shaking and didn't know what to do. "You alright?" I heard just outside of the door. "Ye-yeah I'm fine j-just go wait ok?" I said really nervous. I walked out a took a deep breath. I sat down next to him and started planning my thoughts. "I-I do love you Fry I really do, but when Emily was all over you and sitting on you and shit it hurt and her death staring me scared me, so I gave Gascan your hoodie and I was just going to avoided you but then seeing you with those random girls heart even more!" I started crying and he crest my cheek with his hand. "A-and after you said "you'll never love someone like me" I just thought I was breaking your heart w-when I do really love you, I really do Fry! So that's why I just stopped talking to you and avoiding you..." I was fully out in tears at this point and he pulling me into a hug. "My clown, I wish you'd told me sooner.." He said calmly but also shocked. I looked up at him and looked away. "I don't deserve you" I said getting up. "Look I need to get my head together, do you mind going home so I can go for a drive?" He looked at me sad but he understood and walked out. I looked over the lounge to see his hoodie with a note. It said: It looks better on you my clown.. I want you to have please. I got butterflies again and hugged it close. I decided to put it on while I went for a drive.

As I was driving a got a phone call from Sky. "Hello?" I said through the car Bluetooth. "It's Hugo!" Sky said crying. "What's wrong with him?" I pulled over worried about my 7 year old brother. "He-he won't wake up!" This had happened to me before while I was babysitting him. "Right I need you to put his head up on 2 pillows and his legs up on one large one!" I said trying to be as clam as possible. "Done!" He said still crying. "Now go to the kitchen and grab ice Cubs, then put them down his shirt the slide of the angle he's in will send them to his stomach and his nerve system will wake him up" (don't actually do that I don't say any medical things this is just for the story lol) "ok thanks sis" he said. After he hung up I called fry. "Hello you ok?" He said. "Yeah Im fine but tell the boss I'm going to be an hour late" "what why?!" He said worried. "My brother Hugo won"t wake up so I'm going to my mums to make sure he's ok" "ok drive safely ok" "I will bye" and I hung up.

I thank you for reading! I did write this at school so don't judge lol. Btw my user is my tik tok same profile to btw go check it out if you like! Please comment to if Fryboy has given us permission to use his name yet so yeah, thank you and goodbye my Lovely Tricksters!

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