⛓Ch. 10: Paper, Punishment, and Paying Up

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"You? How the hell did you get in?" I sigh in relief at the sight of a sleepy orange cat curled up on my pillow.

"Everyone's acting like they pay the Goddamn bills here." I roll my eyes and slowly creep up to the cat to pet it.

Purring loudly, I scratch its head while it stretches onto its back, showing its tummy.

"Why'd you break into my house?" I spot the half open window, a detail Yoongi didn't forget about when he decided to turn into his hybrid form, "Listen dude," I pat the fuzzy tummy, "I have class so I have to hurry to leave but I'll feed you first."

Bolding into the kitchen, I grab a bag of cat food I use to feed it and other strays and pour some into a blue plastic bowl. I fill another one up with water and head back to my room where I place it, as well as a couple towels down on the floor and my bed since this isn't the most cleanly thing to do.

"I better not regret this." I sigh to myself as I shut the bedroom door completely and hope it'll just sleep until I'm back.

With forty minutes to spare, I shower and try my hardest to mask the scent of weed that's stinking up my whole house. The last thing I need is for everyone to know I'm a pot head.

"You're on thin ice." I tell myself as I run out the door and head to my 8:00 AM Anatomy class where Yoongi should also be.

"We will be discussing our first big assignment, there will be four of them I believe over the course of this semester." My professor speaks as I take a seat, the bell ringing just in time, "For this, you shall work with your given partner I had already assigned for this semester. Please take your text books out, only one is needed for each group."

Yanking the textbook out, I nudge Yoongi who's half awake and breathing heavily.

My eyebrow furrows, "You okay? You're like... hyperventilating almost."

"Yeah, just... the stairs... was almost late." He brushes it off while seeming real out of breath.

"Right." I chuckle, always feeling winded from the stairs as well.

"Here, have some." I take out a snack and some water from my bag since it seems he was rushing so much he probably couldn't eat breakfast, "When did you leave my house? Did you sleep?"

"Thanks but I'm not hungry, ate a lot and drank way too much water already." He lays his head down on the table while dodging my questions and I shrug, not even noticing that he's in the same clothes from yesterday with tussled hair.

Walking to my next class with an iced Americano in hand, (my fave 😫) I decide to get an early seat  since I haven't been to this class before. Walking in, I see the words Dieting and Digestion written on the dry erase board. Sitting in the front row, a few other students start to enter and begin chatting about what the class entails.

I chug some of my coffee as the class gets started, the high finally starting to completely fizzle out as I start focusing more.

"Good afternoon, I'm Miss Lapell and this is our first time meeting for our Dieting and Digestion course." A young woman with short black hair speaks, "We will have an easy day today, just covering the semester's work load and rules. Please take out paper and something to write with, I'll be giving you guys important dates to write down." She skims through a planner in hand.

I grab my notebook and a blue gel pen out from my bag and title it 'important dates' and the class' name.

"Shit." Someone mumbles and within a few seconds I feel a tap on my shoulder, "Can I have a piece of paper, please?"

I nod quickly and rip out a couple pages, handing them back behind me to the person.

"Thanks!" He says a little too enthusiastically for my exhausted brain so I just nod.

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