Chapter 1

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"(Y/n), there's food on the counter. I've got to leave. I'm sure you can take care of yourself." Akira said, leaning against the wall of my doorframe. "Alright..." I say, hoping she'd leave already. "And put your cute shorts back on. They suit you better than those dumb black jeans." When the retched woman left, I stuck my tongue at her.

I was almost 12. I'm telling you; the past 11 years were a pain. I was correct when I said I would be forced to wear girly stuff. That woman even tried to keep my hair long. Although, I decided to cut the hair myself. It was all over the place though. Me cutting it short made it all fluffy. I sigh and stand up, not listening to a word Akira said.

I didn't want to change into those 'cute' shorts she bought. I don't want to wear a pink dress with bows in my hair. I want to live a normal life. I basically had to take care of myself over the years. As soon as I started to walk, I was able to do everything on my own. I had a mind of a 25-year-old, since I came from a previous life.

I walked out of my room, not knowing if Akira had actually left the house or if she was staying behind. I hoped she had left. I was starving and didn't feel like arguing with that woman I should call my mom. My new dad did not give a damn either. He just sat by and watched as Akira forced me to wear all girly things.

He even allowed her to lock me in a closet when I wasn't 'behaving'. If misbehaving is wanting to wear what I want, then my so-called mother is stupid. Long story short, I now have a fear of the dark. Mostly closets though. I slowly walk down the hallway that somehow seemed very long and went into the kitchen. I saw a plate of food.

I don't exactly eat much, mostly because Akira told me I need to stay in shape. As I stare at the plate of food on the counter, my stomach started to make a sound. I blushed a little, even though no one was here to hear it, I was still embarrassed that I was living this way. I sigh once more and take a couple bites of the eggs that weren't cooked properly.

"Mom really needs to let dad cook." I said to myself, not realizing the man himself was standing behind me. "You should be grateful that you get anything at all." I froze and slowly look behind me, finding Jason standing there. He had a blank stare; it had scared me though. "I-I..." I didn't know what to say.

'I can never have any thought to myself. Although maybe I shouldn't have said it so loudly.' I thought, swallowing my spit out of slight fear for the man. "Sorry..." I said, hoping I wouldn't get in trouble. This man would seriously kill me with that stare of his. It reminded me of Illumi's stare. You know, from Hunter x Hunter.

"(Y/n), your mother told you to wear those shorts. Why don't you go put them on." Jason said, pointing in the direction of my girly, pink room. I held my head down and walk toward the dimly lit room. Once I step foot inside, I shut the door. "Fuck..." I whisper, knowing Jason couldn't hear me anymore. I knew better than to swear in front of them.

I growl to myself, changing out of my black jeans and into those white shorts Akira bought the other day. I rarely had any boy clothes. The ones I had was what Jason gave me to wear inside the house. He told me that he wore them when he was about my age. It kind of weirded me out but I still took them. At least it was some clothes.

I sigh for the third time today, staring at myself in the long mirror Akira placed in my room. Staring at my small (s/c) figure, telling myself how I shouldn't be this skinny. "Why me..." I say to myself, placing a hand on the mirror for a slight dramatic effect. Although it's not a great lifestyle, I'd hope I could leave soon.

My birthday was tomorrow. I was already mature enough to take care of myself, I didn't need Akira and Jason anymore. "You know... After all these years of being alive, I still don't know where I'm at." I said, now looking around my room. Come to think of it, I've rarely been outside. 'I need to make a plan to leave...' I thought.

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