Chapter 23

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I waited behind Gon. We were currently in a long line. 'It's taking forever. Whoever's in front sure is lucky.' I thought, feeling a slight headache come on. "Gon. (Y/n)." I then see Gon move up. He also wasn't paying attention to the line. Before I could move though, I got a slight shove from the guy behind me.

"Hurry the hell up kid." I hum and look up at the skinny man who was also in line. "Just chill dude. I was about to move until you shoved me." I said. My head started to pound as the guy was talking back. "(Y/n), ignore him. Just move up." Killua said, trying to stop the yelling from the guy. "I wasn't-" I cut myself off and sigh.

Instead of saying anything, I just move up and stay close to Gon. "This is a really long line. Is everyone going to Heavens Arena?" Gon asks, holding onto my wrist and making sure I moved with him. Killua caught a glimpse of Gon keeping me in line, gently biting his lower lip and staring for a couple seconds, then focused back to the front, saying, "There aren't any rules to worry about. Not like there were for the hunter exam."

Killua then put up a fist and gave Gon a smile. He was saying that you only need to knock your opponent out. 'But am I going to be able to do that?' I thought, hoping I would. I can't be useless forever. What am I? Sakura? As long as I can hold my own, I should be fine. I then see the two boys' stare up at the tall building.

"The higher you go, the more prize money you make. If you want to earn a living with your fists, this is as good as it gets." I place a hand on my head, moving hair out of my face. "I won't be able to do this if I can't get passed the first round-" I whisper, earning a glance from Gon. "You're strong. I said this before too. You just gotta think positive." Gon said.

"Hm? Think positive? Why would (y/n) need to do that?" Killua asked, moving forward. Gon moved up as well, making me follow. "(Y/n) doesn't think he'll pass any floors." I groan, elbowing the boy in the rib. "Who gives a damn. I just want this line to hurry. I have a huge headache." I said, now pouting and looking at the building's wall.


"Welcome to Heavens Arena. Now if you wouldn't mind filling out this form..." I watch as Killua and Gon fill out a form. I decided to also get it over with. I'd planned on only going up to a certain floor and then just checking into a random hotel afterwards. I bite my lip and write my name down, filling everything else up.

The boys' hand theirs first, making me go faster. My hands were shaking as I finally drop the pen and hand my form to the lady. "What's your problem?" Killua whispered, leaning down close to my ear. "N-nothing. I just want to g-get this over with." I stutter out, holding my hands close to my chest.

"Killua Zoldyck, you're number 2054. Gon Freecss, you're number 2055. (Y/n) (L/n), you're number 2056. On the first arena floor, they'll be calling you by your number, so try not to forget it. Please go on ahead." I then felt a tug on my wrist, bringing me along with the two boys'. "I can walk, you know..." I said, staring at the Killua's back.

The albino boy never let go. I sigh, finally seeing the arena and seeing people fight. "Wow..." I look around, feeling a little nervous. Feeling another tug, Killua walks over to a seat and forces me to sit down first. "Come on, man. I'm a big boy, I can sit by myself." I said, getting irritated that I was being treated like a 5-year-old.

"Not while you're shaking like that. You nervous or what?" I pout and cross my legs, trying to get comfortable in the seat. I was in the middle of Gon and Killua. I honestly felt weird, but I knew Gon would be getting called up soon. "Like I said, I don't know if I'll even be strong enough to pass through this stage. I'm weaker than you and Gon COMBINED."

I hear a hum come from the albino boy who had started talking to Gon. He was saying how he's been here before and that the place hasn't changed. I tune out the conversation, still trying to get settled into my seat. 'This is way more uncomfortable than I thought.' I thought. "Would you stop shifting? It's annoying." Killua said.

Instead of listening, I shift in my seat and keep crossing my legs into different positions. I wasn't doing it to piss Killua off or anything, I was just uncomfortable. "Killua, just stop. I don't think (y/n) is doing it on purpose." Gon said, trying to get Killua to be quiet in the nicest way possible. "It's obvious that he is doing it on purpose!"

"Numbers 1973 and 2055 to ring E."

I look over at Gon who finally stood. "2055! That's me!" Gon then takes his backpack off. "Oh, man, I'm getting pretty nervous right about now." Gon said, placing his backpack in front of my legs. "Gon. You made it through the Testing Gate, right? So, relax! Go out there and push hard!" Killua said, making Gon gain some confidence.

I watch Gon walk over to Ring E. I groan and shift in my seat again, causing Killua to elbow me in the rib. "Ow! What the hell was that for, Killua?!" I yell, glaring at the boy. I scoot away from him, taking Gon's bag along with me. "Your shifting way too much. What are you so nervous about?" Killua asked, crossing his legs like a female.

"Killua, you're lucky I won't say anything about the way you're sitting. And I'm trying to relax, okay? I just don't want to be left behind. That's all." I said, sighing and sliding my bag off my shoulder. I place it next to Gon's, now wanting to watch Gon's fight. "Listen. We won't leave you behind. I'm sure you'll beat your opponent." Killua said.

All of a sudden, we hear cheering from everyone. I focus my attention back to Gon who had pushed his opponent out of the ring. Gon then walks back to our seats, giving us both a huge smile. Gon sits down next to me, holding up a peace sign. I smile, feeling a bit proud of him. "Good job, Gon." I said, patting his back.

Killua's number was now being called. I swallow my spit, knowing that I was next. The albino boys match was over quickly because of his chop. I clap along with Gon, trying not to show how nervous I was.

"Number 1975 and 2056 to ring G."

"Shit..." I whisper, slowly standing up. I felt a small pat on my hand. I look over to the ball of sunshine who was smiling at me, saying, "You got this. We'll all go to the 50th floor together. Give it your best shot, okay?" I take a deep breath and smile down at Gon. "Thanks." I finally walk towards the rings, passing Killua on my way.

"Good luck." I hear, making me smile again. I walk over to ring G, seeing a skinny man standing there. "I'm fighting a kid?" He asks. I slap my cheeks with both hands and climb onto the ring, standing a few feet from the man. "Listen. Please go easy on me.~" I said, making myself sound like a girl. I normally wouldn't do this but if it gives me an advantage than I'll take it.

I watch as the man blushes a bit, seeing how I was looking at him. "Y-you're really making me fight her?" He asks again, looking at the person who gives out the tickets for the floors. "You can start now." I sigh, putting my fists up and getting into a suitable position. "I guess I can try..." I said, pouting at the tall man in front of me.

'What a perv.' I thought, mentally smirking at how I was making him flush a bright red...

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