Chapter 2

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"Excuse me." A nice man turned towards my voice, then smiled down at my small figure. "How can I help you?" He asked, kindly. I smile at him, hoping to get directions to Zaban City. I may have watched the anime, but I still didn't know how to get there. "Can you point in the direction to Zaban City? I'm in a big hurry." I ask, keeping my smile up.

Smiling so much was a lot of work. Although, as long as it gets me to where I need to be then it's fine. "Zaban City? That's easy, the next train there is in 5 minutes. I could get you a ticket if you'd like." The nice man said, causing me to smile even wider. Being cute does have its perks after all. "Yes please! Thank you so much!" I practically yell out.

The man chuckles at my reaction and goes to pay for my ticket. I was excited. I actually couldn't believe my luck. It was finally with me this time. "Here you go, one ticket to Zaban City! Have a safe trip young lady!" I bow and run towards the train, getting on and showing my ticket to the worker. I sit in a seat and look out the window. 'Huh... Did he just call me a lady?' I thought, pouting for a second.

I was sometimes wondering if this was all a dream, and I really was in a coma. I always pinch myself to make sure, but it doesn't help most of the time. If anything, it just hurts. And I bruise very easily in this universe. "The train to Zaban City is now leaving." The voice speaker said. I watch as the train starts to slowly move, making me smile.

It wasn't a forced smile nor was it a smirk. It was a genuine smile. "Hunter exam... Here I come." I said, talking to myself. I got weird looks, but I didn't care. I was in an anime, what else was I supposed to do? Make it seem like I didn't exist? Pfft, as if. I lean my head against the window, holding my bag closer to me.

This trip was either a long one or a short one. I didn't know. I was just glad to be out of that house. I didn't need to come back. 'I'll be fine...' I thought, closing my eyes.


"This is the stop for Zaban City." The loudspeaker said, making me get out of my seat. I hold my bag close and get off the train carefully, recognizing the place. I smile, seeing all the small shops and everyone taking peeks at it. "I'm here..." I whisper, feeling my hands shake. I walk towards the loud crowd.

I didn't enjoy loud sounds, especially with a mother who always yelled. But as long as I covered my ears, I was fine. I put my bag over my shoulder and cover my ears, walking through the crowd like a loon. It was weird, getting strange looks didn't really suit me. At least in my other life, no one paid attention to me.

I bite my lower lip, suddenly getting anxiety and speed walk through the crowd. I was looking for that shop. Once I make it out of the huge crowd of people, I finally see it. I was so happy that I started running towards it without a second thought. I stop running when I was in front of the door, staring it down before walking inside.

"Welcome!" The person behind the counter said. "Hey... uh, is there a private room?" I ask, trying not to stutter and hoping that I remembered correctly. The guy stared me down, seeing as I am a short male. "What would you be having?" He asked, making me sweat drop. 'Don't screw this up, (y/n).' I thought, taking a deep breath before answering.

"Uh... The steak combo, please." I felt my hands sweating nervously, trying to remember how to say to cook it. "How would you like that cooked?" He asked again, eyeing me. I honestly looked like Anya when she stares at someone when she's nervous or scared. "E-ermm... grilled over a low flame heat... Please?" I say, making it sound like a question.

"It'll be right out, go into that room over there." I looked towards the way he was pointing and quickly made my way over. There wasn't anyone else in the room, which I was thankful for. I walk over to a random chair and sit, hoping the elevator would descend soon. I tap the table, hoping to make a little sound so it wasn't so quiet.

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