Chapter 8

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Without thinking, I say, "I shouldn't have been here..." If anything, I should be grateful. "Heh." I hear a laugh come from the bald prisoner who was about to fight Tonpa. I grip my bag tightly, trying not to cry. 'I already look weak. I shouldn't cry and make things worse.' I thought. I could cry later if I so wish but right now wasn't a good time.

I finally look up, taking in my surroundings. My eyes land on the familiar group who could have been fighting right about now. I start walking towards the edge of the platform, still staring at the group. "Hey, where are you going? You can't pass till the bridge comes out." The prisoner reminds me.  

I stop at the edge and look down, seeing the long fall. I stare back at the group, finally holding my bag out. I was hoping one of them would get the hint and catch my bag while I wait. Their task is to literally stall for time anyway, so I could be waiting for a while. The white-haired albino boy wasted no time walking towards his end.

I was a bit surprised. 'Have I changed the timeline that much...?' I thought, asking myself if I really did do that. "Throw it over. I'll catch it." Killua said, holding his hands out for him to catch. I watch as Gon smiles, liking how we were 'finally' getting along. Without a second thought, I tossed my bag over. 

The albino boy caught it, placing it next to his feet. "Can't you open the bridge now?" I ask, not looking at the bald-headed weirdo behind me. "Maybe I like your company. Why not stay over here?" I groan, not wanting to deal with this right now. "Open the damn bridge you bald mother fucker!" I yelled, not thinking about my language.

I hear him snicker at me, "That's a big mouth for such a little girl." He was just trying to piss me off. And it was working. "I'm a boy." I said, turning towards him and glaring. "Oh really? Didn't think as much." He said, smirking. "We're stalling for time, kid. I could keep you here for as long as I want-." I then charged at him and kicked his neck.

He wasn't expecting that, making him fall to the ground. "Open. The. Bridge." I said, giving him a venomous stare. "#246, you aren't allowed to touch the prisoner. You aren't the one fighting him." Lippo explains through the speaker. I scoff, finally hearing the bridge opening. "That was just a warning." Lippo explains further.

I walk away from the man, finally crossing the bridge. I make it across, stopping next to the albino boy who had my bag next to his feet. I quickly grab it and ignore the stares of the group, going to sit near the wall. I sit down, keeping my precious bag next to me. "Is he going to be okay?" I hear Gon ask.

"Leorio, why don't you bandage his head?" I also hear Kurapika said, pushing Leorio towards me. "I don't think he would want me to do that." I sigh, holding one side of my head. I felt a headache come on. "Hey, Leorio...?" I say, hoping to gain his attention. I felt the groups stare on my figure. "Would you mind... bandaging my head?"

It seemed that gave Leorio the courage to come closer and take out some bandages. The teenage man wipes the blood and then gently bandages my head, making me sigh in relief. "Thank you..." I said quietly. I lay my head on the wall, closing my eyes. I was hoping their fights would go by fast if I just slept a little.


I wake up to the sound of the bald-headed prisoner saying that they need to wait in a room for the 50 hours that was lost. I slowly stand up, following the group into the room. Once everyone was in, the door shut. "Man, this room is small." I said, looking around. "We wouldn't be in here if someone didn't bet all of our hours." I hear Tonpa say.

Leorio was glaring at the man but didn't bother to say anything. I then hear Gon, and Killua talk about looking for something fun to play with. I just sit down on the couch, not liking the room. 'This isn't going to be fun.' I thought, cringing at how small of a space it really was. I then watch as Kurapika take a book off the shelf.

'I wonder if those books are good...' I thought, getting curious. I was spacing out, also wondering how I could make the timeline go back. It wasn't good that I was in this room with the group. "(Y/n)." I look over at the teenage man who has called my name. He then started gesturing with his hand to come over.

Without hesitation, I do as told. Standing up, I walk over to him, wondering what he wanted. "Let me change your bandage. It seems to still be bleeding." Leorio said, making me place a hand on my head. "Is it really?" I ask, seeing the adult teenager nod. Although the seat next to him was available, I decided to take a seat between his legs.

I felt the man flinch. 'Huh... not the reaction I was expecting.' I thought. I only did it so I could see Leorio's reaction. "Is this okay? I didn't think you would mind." I said, not thinking anything of it. I look up at Leorio who I found blushing a tiny bit. "N-no... it's fine." Leorio said, trying not to think about me sitting in between his legs.

I then look forward, seeing Gon and Killua stare at the both of us. Feeling Leorio finally unwrap the bandage around my head, I sigh. "The cut is very deep. What the hell happened?" Leorio asked, making me hum. "Heh. I thought you'd ask why I have handcuffs on my wrist." I said, lifting it up for the man to see.

"I didn't notice..." Leorio trailed off, gently dabbing my head with his sleeve. "So, why do you have handcuffs on?" I hear the blonde ask. "Ermm... I had a partner who I was handcuffed too." I didn't want to go into details, also not wanting to say that Hisoka basically killed me to pass. Leorio then wraps a new bandage on my head.

'At least it won't smell.' I thought, holding my bandaged head gently. "Thanks. I probably wouldn't have changed it." I said, looking up at Leorio, also giving him a smile. I watch as he blushes even more. I wanted to laugh at his reaction. In all honesty, I thought it was kind of cute how he was embarrassed.

I finally stand up, removing my small frame off of Leorio's lap. "You go for kids too? You're disgusting." I hear Tonpa say, making me frown and glare at him. "Tonpa, you better shut the hell up before I shove your laxative juice up your ass." I said. I see his eyes widen a little, not expecting me to reveal what was in the juice.

"Laxative?" Kurapika seemed confused. Gon only said it was 'expired'. No one said anything about laxatives. "Yeah. What, he didn't tell you?" I asked, staring at the blonde. Tonpa seemed to have started to sweat, laughing nervously as I tried to explain. "Ugh, whatever. I'm sure the four of you know what I mean. There isn't any use of explaining."

I shake my head, now annoyed with the big nosed Tonpa. I walk over to the other side of the room, closer to where Gon and Killua were sitting. They had stopped paying attention and were looking for something fun to play with. They decided on Gon trying out his skateboard. I sit in the corner, not forgetting to grab my bag before coming over here.

I open it and dig through it, hoping to find something interesting to toy with while I wait the 50 hours. It was going to be a LONG, BORING 50 hours. I was seriously not looking forward to this. Hell, I didn't expect to even be here with them. I finally find a book that I had packed for entertainment. 'Guess this'll have to do.' I thought.


I sigh as I stare up at the ceiling. I was forced to sleep near the corner because everything else was taken by the original group. There wasn't supposed to be any room for me. I thought everyone was sleeping at this time. Well. Not EVERYONE. I already knew Killua was still up, considering he can go 3 days without sleep.

I hated how I couldn't tell time in here. I also hated that I didn't have a phone. 'I wish Akira or Jason would've bought me a phone...' I thought, still staring up at the ceiling blankly. I then started to think about my past life. I wondered how my dad was doing. Was he sad that I was gone? Was he eating properly?

'Did I make him kill himself...?' I widen my eyes, feeling tears fall down the sides of my face. In my previous life, mom had died by the time I was 5 years old. I made a promise that I would never leave him, that he'll die before I did. Clearly, that wasn't true.

"Papa! I promise to never leave you till you're 100!"

"Alright, I'll hold you to that promise, (y/n)..."

I bite my lip, remembering my previous life. How I actually loved it. More tears fall down. I was trying to keep it down, but it was hard. I sit up, sniffing and trying to wipe my tears away. "Papa... I'm sorry." I whisper, not realizing a certain white-haired boy was listening to me...

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