Chapter 22

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I had a stupid smile on my face as Killua basically explains how weak Gon is compared to Hisoka. I watch as Killua draws in the dirt with a stick, telling Gon which is Hanzo and Hisoka. I chuckle a bit at the funny drawing, hearing Killua say, "If this is the strength gap between Hisoka and Hanzo... The gap between you and Hisoka is..."

Killua then stands up, drawing a long line. He stops once he's near the bush. "This wide! And I'm being generous!" I look over at Gon to see him pouting. I cover my mouth and chuckle some more, earning a glance from the boy. "Stop laughing, (y/n)!" I let out a few more chuckles as Killua makes his way back over to us.

"Okay, then how far apart are you?" Gon asks, still pouting at the gap. "Who, me? Well, probably here..." Killua said, marking a spot a little farther away from Hanzo. I then notice his cat-like grin pop up, already reading his mind. "Oh... So, Hanzo's the stronger one?" Gon asks while Killua stands up straight and stares at the boy.


"What is it?"

"You really are awesome, Killua!" Gon said, making Killua instantly blush out of embarrassment. "Knock it off, alright? It's embarrassing." I hum, crouching down and staring at the funny looking drawing of Hisoka. He basically made him bald, which was hilarious. "What about (y/n)? Where would he be placed?" Gon asked.

I flinch a bit, not expecting Gon to include me. "Gon, I think I would be-" I was cut off as Killua marks a spot farther away from him but not as far as Gon's. "Probably here." I felt my face heat up a bit. 'Not even close.' I thought, gripping onto my head of hair. "That can't be right." I said, now wanting to confront on the matter.

"Why not?" Gon asked. I sigh, grabbing the stick from Killua and placing an X over my mark. "Killua, I'm not as strong as Gon. If anything, I'm placed way behind him. Passed the fence would be the perfect spot." I then stare at the white-haired boy who only stared back. "You're strong, (y/n). You think too lowly of yourself." Gon said.

"I can't even kick Killua in the stomach. Sure, I may have kicked and flung him across the room but that doesn't mean it hurt. I am not even close to that mark." I said, making a clear point. "Wait, you kicked Killua?" Gon asked once more, making me clear my throat. "We were set up to battle. But enough of that. Change of subject." I said.

"Anyway, besides that, I just don't know how to tell the difference in strength between my opponent and me." Gon spoke, now changing the subject. 'Thank god.' I thought, now standing a bit close to Killua. "It doesn't really matter, dummy. I'm only estimating, anyway. Besides, you get the general idea, right?"

Killua starts to walk away, making Gon and I follow close behind. "And with experience, your estimates will become more accurate. But the stronger someone is, the better they can hide that strength. So, it's not a method that I'd recommend." Killua said, glancing at Gon. I walked a little slower and stayed behind the ball of sunshine.

I didn't want to interrupt, nor did I want to interfere. Gon proceeds to say that he won't do it. I space out as Killua says how strong Hisoka was. 'What am I gonna do? I can't exactly fight that well.' I thought, still following close behind Gon. Gon then stops, making me run into his back. I let out a low "Oof" and rub my head.

'I gotta start paying more attention.' I bite my lip, seeing Gon glance behind him. "S-Sorry-" I stutter out, holding my hands up. I then see Killua turn his head, staring at Gon who finally took his eyes off me. "With just six months, we're gonna need to get real creative." Killua said, earning a nod from Gon.

I only stand there, listening to his voice. "Hey... Got any money?" Gon then lets out a nervous sound and holds his hands close to his chest. "I'm a little low, actually." Killua then says that he doesn't have much either. I then see the albino boy look at me, "What about you? Got any money?" I hum and slide my bag off my shoulder.

I open it, still finding the money Jason gave me. "I got money. Although, I'm not sure how much. Didn't bother to count." I said, closing my bag and hugging it close to my chest. "Well, there's a place where we can make ourselves some money and train at the same time." Killua said. I hug my bag tighter, feeling a bit nervous about this.

"Make money while we're training?"

"At the Heavens Arena." I yawn, hearing Gon question about Heavens Arena. I was a bit tired, but if I was going to be with the besties for a little while, might as well keep up with their energy. Killua then says that he'll explain later, also saying we should get going now. We then start to run, following the albino boy who got a head start.

"I'm not good at running, Killua!" I yell, trying to catch up to the two besties.


I breathe lightly and lean back in my seat. I had my eyes closed for about 10 minutes, listening to the besties have a conversation. "Is he asleep?" I hear Gon ask. I was sitting next to Killua as the airship got closer to our destination. "Uh, I don't think so." I take a deep breath, swallowing my spit as I try to ignore the albino boy who somehow got closer.

I could feel his presence near my figure. "(Y/n), you asleep?" Killua asked. I slowly open my eyes and turn my head towards the boy. I froze as I see how close Killua was to me. "Yeah..." I say, staring into his blue eyes. "You don't look asleep." He didn't seem to mind the closeness of our faces, which was weird.

Killua is the type of person who would blush at even the slightest contact. Even blush at embarrassing comments. "You know, your eyes are beautiful." I said, causing the albino boy to turn into a tomato. "W-what the hell!" Killua was embarrassed now, moving himself away from me. I hum and also scoot away, somehow missing the closeness.

'Don't be weird, (y/n)...' I thought, scolding myself. In my previous life, people judged me for being pansexual. I couldn't allow those feelings into this new life, so I've always scolded myself mentally and also tried not to be 'weird'. I never thought my sexuality would follow me either. I didn't really think things through when I was first reborn.

Especially when my hair and name were both the same from my previous. I ignored the two boys' who were talking about Heaven Arena and what their plan was. 'Actually, what am I gonna do?' I thought. I also didn't think about how I would pass any of the floors either. I may have trained at the Zoldyck's household, but I didn't think I'd be fighting.

Like I said, I was planning to leave them. I couldn't bring myself too after Gon explained everything. I was lost in thought when I felt a shove on my shoulder. "Time to get off. Hurry up." Killua said, giving me a scowl with a slight blush across his face. "You're so rude." I said, standing up and grabbing my bag that I had placed on the floor.

I then followed Gon off the airship, seeing Killua was right behind me. "Let's go. We gotta make more money since that ticket left us completely broke." Killua said, walking in front of Gon and I. "Actually, that left you guys' broke. I still have money." I said, giving the albino boy a smug look. "You wanna die?" I chuckle, enjoying his reactions...

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