Chapter 19

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I honestly couldn't believe it. I just HAD to trip while Kurapika and Leorio were opening the gate. I was only trying to help. "Why me, man." I said, hoping they'd be able to open the gate again. "(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" I hear the blonde yell, making me rub my head. "Can you guys open the gate again?!" I yell back.

"I don't think so!" Leorio yelled. "Fuck." I said. "I heard that! Language!" I let out a "pffft." and sit on the ground, smiling like an idiot. "We're going to try and open it again! Don't move!" Kurapika yelled. I nod even if they can't see me. I was lucky enough that this was the last day of our training. Zebro surprisingly went easy on me.

He didn't make me wear those weights; the old man only made me carry stuff. I did have a hard time keeping up with the group, but I managed. I then see the gate start to open, watching as Gon falls through. The trio were smiling at each other, panting loudly. Clearly, they were proud of themselves for finally opening the gate fully.

We don't count me falling through the small opening they made. I give the trio a sad smile, knowing how close we were to getting Killua back. Once this was over, I wouldn't be seeing them again. The past days have been wonderful. I've gotten even closer to the trio than I would've liked too. I knew the consequences once I agreed. 

It was upsetting but I knew it was the right thing. "Congrats, guys..." I said, helping Gon stand up. The trio noticed my sad smile, staring at me with their eyes widened a bit. "(Y/n)-" Kurapika was cut off by Zebro congratulating them. He continued to tell us to follow the path up the mountain, saying this is as far as he can go.

Gon then smiled at Zebro and Seaquant, giving them a "Thank you for everything." and finally walking along the path. I then watch Kurapika and Leorio follow, which I decided to not stand there any longer. We traveled for about 20 minutes before reaching Canary who seemed to be waiting for us.

"Please leave now. You're trespassing on private property. I can't allow you to pass without permission."

"But we called ahead, and we came through the Testing Gate."

"The butler's quarters did not give you permission to enter." Canary said, making her point clear. I stood next to Kurapika, watching as Gon balls his fist, saying, "What the heck do we need to do to get permission? I even told them I was Killua's friend and everything." Canary only says that she didn't know. 

That no one has ever gotten permission. Gon then gets angry, saying that we'll just have to trespass. "I suppose so. In any case, this is where I draw the line." Canary then draws a line, marking territory. "Take one step past it and I will remove you by force if necessary." Kurapika and Leorio get ready to fight but Gon holds his hand up.

'He was only signaling them, right?' I thought. I step forward, curiosity getting the best of me. Gon didn't seem to stop me. Gon then confidently steps forward, passing the line and getting whacked in the face. Kurapika and Leorio run forwards, watching Gon fall to the ground. They start to get ready to battle, taking out their things.

I take more steps towards Canary, which she seems to have noticed. Her eyes widen once she noticed I wasn't stopping. I then stop in front of the line, staring at her blankly. As I was staring at the girl in front of me, Gon was telling Kurapika and Leorio to not do anything. That we didn't come here to fight. "(Y/n)?" I ignore the boy and step past the line.

I then get whacked in the face, also getting pushed back. I land on my back, groaning a bit. "Ow..." I hold the side of my face, feeling it sting. Gon then comes in front of me, placing his hands on my face. I stare at him, clearly confused by the boys' actions. "Are you okay?" Gon asked, pulling my face up a bit.

I nod slowly, still confused by Gon's actions. 'Why is he acting like this?' I thought. "Please don't get in the way. I can take care of this. I don't want you getting hurt, (y/n)." Gon said, gently rubbing the cheek that got whacked with his thumb. I felt myself heat up a bit, not expecting Gon to softly say those words. "I got it... Go on." I said, hoping he would let go.

I got my wish as Gon walked towards Canary once more. It didn't seem to matter to the boy if he got whacked, but if anyone else got hit then he worries. 'What a sweet boy.' I thought, feeling my face heat up more. I cover my mouth, not even knowing the extent to Gon's kindness.


The sun was starting to set and Gon was still getting whacked in the face. I tried my best not to go over there, knowing Gon would get upset. There was a ton of blood on the floor just from his poor face. Canary was getting a little irritated but continued to whack Gon every time he passed the line.

"Stop right there." Canary said, not being able to take it anymore. "Please go away!" Gon didn't listen though. He continued to walk forward, getting whacked once more. I sat on the floor, biting my lower lip. I wanted to stop Gon myself, but I knew I couldn't. He wouldn't listen to me anyway. Gon was stubborn indeed.

"Why won't you just give up? You know it's pointless! Please stop him! You're his friends! Why...?" Kurapika and Leorio only stood there, staring at the poor girl with determination. I only look away when Carnary stares my way, still biting my lower lip. "What's the big deal? I just came here to see my friend. The only reason I'm here is to see Killua!"

I look back at the scene, watching as Gon gets ready to punch the wall. "So, why are you making me go through all of this!" Gon yells, finally punching the wall and breaking it. Canary only stands there, frozen in shock. "Hey. I crossed the line. Shouldn't you hit me?" Gon asked, staying in place. I stand up, knowing what was about to happen next.

"I can tell you're different from Mike. You may be trying to cover up your feelings, but you still have a heart. When I mentioned Killua's name, your eyes softened, just for a moment." I gulp and walk towards the two, seeing Canary give up and hold her staff tightly. Walking up to Gon, I finally hear Canary cry and say, "Please... Help him. Help master-"

Carnary was cut off by getting shot in the head. The trio gasps as I stare over at the women with a worried look. "Honestly... What was that servant babbling about? She made it sound like we were being mean to Killua." Kikyo said. The trio ran up to Canary's body, making sure she was still alive and was okay.

I only kept staring at the women, who looked like she was staring back. "How rude. She's just a bloody apprentice." I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up and find Kurapika, he was starting to pull me back, not wanting Kikyo to get close. 

"And you must be Gon. Illumi told me all about you. Killua is aware that you've been on the premises for some time now." Kurapika pulls me behind him as Gon stares at the women who we call Killua's mother. "And that girl must be (y/n). Illumi also told me about you as well." Kikyo said, staring my way. Kurapika only put his arm in front of me in defense.

"I have a message from Killua that he asked me to relay to you both. 'Thank you for coming. I'm happy that you did. But I can't see you right now. I'm sorry.'" I hold onto Kurapika's sleeve, watching the boys' eyes glance at me and then back to the women. "Kurapika." I whisper, gaining the blonde's attention.

"What is it." He whispered back. "She's lying." Kurapika was a bit shocked to hear but didn't show it. I was trying to lay low, and he knew that. "How can you tell?" Kurapika asked, still whispering. "A hunch. It's also because she misgendered me. Killua's brother knows my gender." Kurapika nodded, understanding the situation...

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