Chapter 29

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"Wasn't expecting that..." Wing quietly said, placing a hand under his chin. He was only staring my way, watching as I suffer from the pain. I wanted it to go away. I still had my hands in my hair, trying to relax myself. I then watch Wing walk towards me. I let out a gasp, yelling, "D-don't come any closer!"

He never listened and was finally in front of me. I stare up at Wing with fear written all over my face. "(Y/n). I believe that's enough. I think you should go back to your room." Wing said. I then felt the grown man place both of his hands on top of mine. He felt me shaking under his touch. Sighing, Wing slowly makes me let go of my (h/c) locks.

He held my hands in a secure manner. "You're tired, right?" Wing asks. I bite my lip, feeling it quiver. I slowly nod. "I'll have Zushi walk you back. I need you to first relax. I won't actually kill you." I take more deep breaths, trying to listen to Wing the best I could. I look down, making my hair cover my face.

My mouth was drier than the desert itself. I gently lick my lips, feeling myself finally relax at the fatherly touch of Wing. "Are you relaxed?" Wing asked. "Yeah..." I replied back quietly. The grown-up pats my hand gently and makes me walk towards Zushi who was waiting with a small smile. "Don't worry, (y/n). I'll walk you back!"

Without anything more to say, I walk with Zushi out the door. The boy grabbed my hand and lead me outside.


~Killua's Pov~

Both me and Gon watch Zushi take a hold of (y/n)'s hand, taking the said boy out of the room. It was quiet. It's now the second time that (y/n) was so frightened. We still didn't know who caused it. I glance at Wing, sending him a glare. "What the hell did you do...?" I asked. Wing looks at me and gently pushes his bangs back.

"Nothing. I did as I said. Bluffing is more of an accurate term for it." That didn't seem like bluffing though. Something was up. "Then, do it to me." I say, glaring at Wing. Seeing (y/n) in so much pain made me wonder what it felt like. What was he feeling in order to freak out like that? "I don't believe that to be a good idea."


"Judging from (y/n)'s reaction, it could also happen to you."

I scowl and fold my arms, looking over at Gon. "I'm worried... I never seen (y/n) in so much pain before. I didn't think it was possible..." Gon said, looking at me with a worried expression. "Forget this. Let's go Gon!" I exclaim, placing my hands in my pockets and walk out the door with the green-haired boy following.


"Gon?" I had my door slightly opened, seeing the ball of sunshine at my door. "Killua wasn't able to make it. I couldn't leave you alone..." Gon says, placing a hand on the door. He wanted me to open it. "Gon... I don't think-"

"I don't care! You aren't alone anymore, (y/n)... Please, let me in."

Sighing, I slowly open the door all the way, letting the green-haired boy inside. Shutting the door, I lock it and stand awkwardly in my own room. "You're okay, right? You aren't hurting anymore, right?" Gon asks, staring at me. I shake my head, feeling a little guilty for making him worry so much.

"You don't need to worry about me, Gon. I'm not worth worrying about." I say, walking towards him and placing a hand on his shoulder. I give him a small smile, hoping that would ease his mind. "How could you say that? You act like you need to be strong, (y/n)." Keeping my small smile, I sniff and move a small piece of hair behind my ear.

"I have no choice. I have too. I'm older-" I cut myself off, coughing into my fist. "Older?" I cough some more, backing away from Gon. 'Ah fuck. How stupid am I?' I thought, mentally preparing for the questions that Gon might have. "Ah, uh... I meant-" I sigh, wanting to smack myself for being so dumb.

"(Y/n)... I've noticed since a while ago, but you've been keeping something a secret. I never asked because I wanna respect your privacy. But you can always talk to me about anything. You don't need to hide your feelings away." Gon says. I was stunned. Gon has a key eye for things that even I can't notice.

He knew, for the longest time, that I was keeping a secret. A secret that no one would believe. I sometimes wondered if it would be fine telling at least one person, but always hesitated to do so. 'Would Gon even believe me?' I ask myself, biting my lower lip. There was only one way to test the waters.

"Gon, do you believe in being... reborn?" I ask, letting my small smile falter. I was being serious. This one question will determine if Gon will believe me. "Being reborn? I've never thought about it. I guess I don't?" Gon says, making it out to be a question instead. He now seemed focused on my question, placing a finger under his chin in a thinking motion with his head down.


Gon then whips his head up at me, showing a look of surprise. His face told me everything I needed to know. Smiling once again, I place a hand on my chest, saying, "Seems you finally figured it out. Gon, I was reborn 12 years ago from a previous life that I still remember." I blow air out of my cheeks and walk over to the couch, taking a seat.

"Are you serious?" Gon sounded like he didn't want to believe me. I lean my head back and stare at the ceiling. "You don't need to believe me..." I glance over to find Gon taking a seat next to me. "I believe you. What made you want to tell me?" Gon asks. I let out a hum, thinking about my words. "I can just tell that you wouldn't think I'm crazy is all..."

I lift my head and stare at Gon. "(Y/n)... Could you tell me about your life before this one?" I was a bit surprised that Gon wanted to know. "You really want to know? It's kind of boring." I say, making sure Gon really wanted to hear about it. "Yeah! Was your name different?" I hum once again, chuckling at how excited he sounded.

"No, it was still (y/n) in my previous life. I even had the same hair color." I say, smiling. "How did you die...?" Gon asks, catching me off guard. "How I died? Well..." I was a little hesitant. Even up until now, I could still remember clearly. The pain I felt when that car hit me. "Oh, you don't need to tell me if you're uncomfortable."

Sighing, I decide to just tell him. "Well... it was the day of my 25th birthday. I had just gotten paid from all the hard work and bought a new 'book'." I say, making air quotes from my hands. Gon was listening, having his hands in his lap. "I was so excited to finally read it. I also remember that my dad was going to take me to dinner that day too."

I clear my throat, sadness taking over. I stare at my lap, swallowing my spit. "It was supposed to be a normal day... Then, I walked to the crosswalk. It was my turn to walk and... The car..." I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me flinch a bit. I take a deep breath and look back at Gon who had a sad expression.

"The car... didn't stop. I guess you could say that I was killed on impact. Although, I could feel it. The pain I felt as that car hit me. And then I was gone. I saw white and crawled towards it. POOF! I was reborn." I say, finishing my story. I freeze as I watch a tear go down Gon's face. "W-wait! Don't cry! Gon, don't cry!" I exclaimed.

I quickly wipe his tear with my sleeve. Gon continues to tear up, also wiping his face with his hands. "But you won't... You need someone to c-cry for you, right? That's why I'm here..." Gon says, stuttering as he continues to cry. Gon was way too nice and pure. He's crying for me when he doesn't even know what it felt like.

He's crying for the likes of me who doesn't serve a purpose here. "Gon..." I then pull the boy into my arms and hug him. "Thank you..."

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