Chapter 3

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"Whoa! Can I try that later?" I hear, watching as they slowly run past. It felt as if it was in slow motion, seeing the white-haired boy take a slight glance my way. I've always enjoyed his character. "Sure! If I can try your skateboard!" Gon said, smiling at him. 'I can't get distracted...' I thought, finally able to run a little faster.

I was right behind the two boys, trying to keep up with the group. This was pain. Was it worth leaving? Yes, yes it was. Do I enjoy it though? No, fuck this. I then stare ahead, slowly taking my hands off my ears again. I watch as Gon takes a peek behind him, staring at my figure. "You doing okay?" Gon yelled out.

I actually didn't know who he was talking too. I took a quick peek behind me to find a ton of people who have dropped. 'Was he talking to one of them?' I asked myself, looking straight forward once more. "Gon, don't waste your time. She won't answer you." The albino kid said, also glancing my way.

'She?' I blink, a bit confused. I was starting to think these two were idiots. I pick up my pace and I started to finally pass the two boys. "Hey, you're catching up!" Gon yelled again. It was hurting my ears. The cave was making his voice echo, which really was bugging me. I tried my best not to cover my precious ears again.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Gon was talking to someone. And I was starting to feel like an idiot myself. "Are you... t-talking to me?" I stutter out, now turning my attention to the green haired boy. "Yeah!" I widen my eyes, now knowing how stupid I really was. 'Wait a minute... That means...' I then glared at the albino kid.

"What are you looking at?" Killua asked, just staring back at me. "You... you said she..." I say. I look straight ahead and run a little faster, wanting to forget that he misgendered me. It could've been an accident. I finally see the stairs. I didn't let the boys question me, so they decided to have their race. I was running up the stairs, watching as Killua and Gon run faster. 

"See you at the finish line!" Gon yells, making the albino kid smirk at Leorio. "Yeah! Catch you later, old man!" The teenager than stared at Killua, looking offended. "Hey! I'm not old! I'm a teenager, like you!" And then that's when all their eyes widened at the newfound information. 


"No way!"

I cover my mouth and laugh at their faces, already knowing Leorio's age. Well, Killua and Gon ended up making it to the top. I made it a little way after, stopping and panting like a wild animal. "Running... Isn't... For... Me..." I pant out, hoping to sit for a second. I sit down on the grass, waiting for everyone else to make it to the top.

I stare at my shaky hands, hoping I could get through the rest. "Is this our destination?" A certain Kurta asks, making me look at him. "No..." I quietly say, earning a gaze from the blonde. "I see." I stand up, finally seeing everyone up the stairs. "Wait for me!" A guy yells as the cave closes on him. I bite my lip, feeling my ears ring.

Satotz was explaining about the wetlands, saying that we must stay close behind him. 'Maybe I could hold onto someone...' I thought, looking around for the perfect person. Before I could even pick, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I froze in place, staring straight ahead with my eyes slowly widening. "Don't fall for it!" Someone yelled.

That was really close. That meant he was behind me. I slowly take a glance at the man faced ape, suddenly feeling shaky. "I'm the real examiner, you got it! He's trying to fool you!" I wondered why he had his hand on my shoulder. I tensed up as I felt him tug me a little. "Let go..." I whispered, my bangs hiding my eyes.

Everyone was more focused on who was real and who was not. But I wasn't. I didn't want to be touched. "So, which one is the real one?" Leorio asked, staring between the two. I started shaking more, Akira really took a toll on me. She made it where I can't even be touched. "Let go..." I whispered again. The guy holding my shoulder then stared at me.

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