Chapter 26

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"Ow..." I flinch and hold my chin, walking into the elevator. I keep my hands on my chin, hoping the elevator would go up quickly. "Are you alright? Was your opponent difficult?" I look over at the lady who stayed next to the buttons. "She was... She kicked me in the jaw. But I still won. Thanks for the worry." I said, giving her a smile.

It hurt to smile at her, but it was worth it. Seeing her face brightened made my day. If you were wondering what happened, well, I almost lost. Himari was strong. Stronger than me. But I won because of the points. Which she suddenly found unfair and proceeded to kick me in the jaw. The elevator finally dinged.

"Hope you win more matches. Good luck." I give her another smile and leave the elevator, taking my hands off my chin. I look from left to right, trying to see if Gon was here. "(Y/n)! Over here!" Gon was waving his hand with Killua just standing with him. I slowly walk over to the boys', feeling the pain getting worse. 

"Whoa, look at your face. It's a mess." Killua said. He then poked my chin, making me flinch and quickly covering my mouth with both hands. "Ow!" I mumble out. I honestly wanted to cry. Himari was seriously brutal. Gon then steps forward, gently removing my hands and taking a hold of my chin. "Did you get hit in the face?" He asks, sounding a bit worried.

"Y-Yeah... Please let go. It hurts." I said, hoping the ball of sunshine would take his hands off me. "Gon, why don't you get his money for him." Killua said, placing a hand on Gon's shoulder. "Oh, sure. Give me your ticket, (y/n)." Without hesitation, I give Gon my ticket. Once he leaves, it turns silent.

"Does my face look that bad?" I ask, breaking the awkward silence. It hurt to speak but I can't just stay quiet. "Yeah. Your opponent must have had it out for you." I shake my head, steping towards the albino boy. "Mind if I lean on you? I'm really tired." I ask, hoping he would say yes. He didnt seem to mind earlier.

Killua stares at me but then sighs, turning away so I could lean on his back. "You're the best, Fluffy." I said, leaning on his back. His backpack was in the way but that was fine. I then felt hands on my hips, gripping me tightly. 'Deja vu...' I thought. I was also surprised that he could hold me while being turned the other way. 

"Why is your waist so tiny? My fingers could practically touch each other." Killua said. I chuckle, hearing the slight humor in his voice. "That's because of my mom." I replied back. It felt nice. I just hoped we could stay like this. Even if it's only for a day. Because... Who knows when it'll all be over.


I look over at the big screen, seeing Killua and Gon on it. I sigh, hearing my opponent run towards me. "It seems (y/n)'s opponent is charging full speed!" I scratch the back of my head. Once I knew my opponent was close enough, I lifted my leg, kicking the big guy in the jaw all the way across the room.

I knocked him out of the arena. These past few days have been really eventful. I've grown really close to the two besties. It was exciting and also great at how well we got along. Although, the thought of changing the future has also crossed my mind. I tried to push it behind, but it always finds its way back.

"Wow! What a kick! That seemed stronger than any other kick from (y/n)!"

Gon has also helped me gain confidence. He always tells me how great I did with a smile, telling me that I have become stronger. Gon was now like a brother I never had. Killua was a different case though. He wasn't as active as Gon was, but whenever I needed support, he gives it to me in the weirdest way possible.

Sometimes, he would allow me to sit beside him as he pets my head. Killua even lets me lean on him whenever I feel like it. I blow air out of my cheeks, finally happy that my match was over. "I can go now, right?" I ask. "Yeah-" I cover my face and walk out of the ring. I honestly couldn't believe that I made it to the 100th floor.

Pushing the button, I walk into the elevator and let the lady push the button for me. "Congratulations on winning." She said, giving me a smile. I've been going into the same elevator since the 50th floor. I always see her here. Honestly, it felt nice. "Thank you, Aruna." I replied, giving her a smile back.

"Make sure not to lose your spot on the 100th floor. I'd hate to see you go back down." Aruna said. The elevator finally dinged, telling me to get off. "I'll try. See you later." I lift my hand up, waving Aruna goodbye and walk out. I look around, hoping to spot Killua or Gon. "Yo, (y/n)!" I look around, finally spotting the familiar white hair.

I bite my lip, feeling nervous. I've been getting real nervous since yesterday. I don't know why but I have a sudden bad feeling about something. I walk to Killua, also seeing Gon standing behind him with a smile. "(Y/n)! You did great! You kicked that guy right in the jaw!" Gon yelled, waving his hands in the air.

I stop right in front of Killua, still feeling nervous. "Gon, would you mind turning in my ticket?" I ask, glancing at the ball of sunshine. "Are you not feeling well again?" I nod, trying to give him a lie that he would believe. Without any more questions, Gon takes my ticket and walks away. "What's gotcha nervous? Why lie to Gon?"

I gulp, suddenly getting a lump in my throat. "I wonder the same thing... You wouldn't understand even if I told you, Fluffy." I hear a hum come from the boy. "I turned it in!" Gon said, running over with a key in his hand. I take it from him and give him a small smile. "Thanks." 

Gon had also told me how much money I made while turning my ticket in. The three of us then walk down the hall, going right for Gon's room first. I watch Gon unlock the door, seeming to be very excited. Once the door opens, the ball of sunshine runs inside, saying, "Yay! Our own room!" The boy then proceeds to face plant onto the bed.

I chuckle at how childish he was. "We're not gonna have to worry about money and lodging anymore!" Gon says again. I then take a seat at the edge of the bed, watching Killua take the chair. "I wouldn't be so sure. Try to remember, drop below the 100th floor and you lose the room." I hear Killua say. I rub my face, feeling a bit exhausted.

"There's a huge difference between getting here and staying here on the 100th floor." I lean forward, keeping my hand on my face. Closing my eyes, I only listen to the besties talk amongst themselves. 'What is wrong with me...' I thought. It feels as if I'm on edge. Like I'm waiting for something to happen to me or someone else.

"(Y/n)!" I flinch and quickly look up, finding my eyes landing onto Killua who just yelled. "(Y/n), are you tired?" Gon asks, placing a hand on my shoulder. I felt myself start to shake. I didn't understand what was wrong nor do I feel glad that I'm feeling this way towards them both. "Gon... Take your hand off." Killua said.

"Huh? Oh!" Feeling his hand being removed, I relax a little. "If you're tired, then why don't you go to your room?" Gon said, giving me a smile. I was nervous. "Y-You know what? Sure... I'm just tired. Maybe a little sleep would help. I'll see you later..." I said, finally standing up and walking out the room.

I shut the door behind me, leaning against it. "Fuck..."

RebornOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora