The Rouge Prince (3)

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I snuck into the dragon's stable, saddling Syrax, and carefully following Otto and his men. We stayed hidden below the clouds as they conversed, a shrill whistle echoing through the sky, it only being able to come from Caraxes. 

"That would be our cue, Sy."

She bolted upwards, erupting from the clouds with a loud warning call. She landed, allowing me to dismount and walk through the sea of men. Each of them parted but two, Lord Hightower and Ser Criston Cole.

H: "What are you doing here, Princess?"

"Preventing bloodshed."

H: "Ser Criston, please escort the Princess to safety."

"Touch me and you end your bloodline, Ser Criston. Take care not to startle Syrax, my lords. She's rather protective of me." I shoved the pair and marched towards Daemon. "My father named me Princess of Dragonstone. That is my castle you're living in, uncle."

"Not until you come of age."

"You have angered your king. You have angered me."

"I don't see why. This is a day of celebration. I am to be wed."

"You already have a wife."

"Not one of my choosing."

"And this required you to steal my brother's egg?"

"You shared your cradle with a dragon when you were born. I want the same for my child."

"You're to have a child?"

He glanced back at his to-be-bride, "One day."

She quickly stormed off in a huff, leaving a smirk on my face.

"I'm right here, Uncle, the object of your ire, the reason that you were disinherited. If you wish to be restored as heir," I lunged forward, taking his dagger into my hand, placing his on top, and digging it into my throat, "you'll need to kill me. So, do it. And be done with all this bother."

I heard swords unsheath from all around, men from each side nervous. He waited a moment, the shock slowly leaving his eyes. He pulled back his dagger, sheathed it, and began to walk away. Just as I was about to turn, he tossed the egg into my arms without looking back. I held it tightly within my hands, placing a kiss before turning back to the men, though, quiet cracking stopped me in my tracks. I looked down in shock as the egg's shell chipped away from the inside.

Criston and Otto ran to me, 

O: "What is it? Did he break it?"

"No..." I looked up at them and smiled, "It's hatching."

After only a moment, a black and red dragon came from the shell, looking just as the great Balerion did. He wriggled in my hands before climbing up my arm and resting on my shoulder. 

O: "Ser Criston, take the dragon and return it to the dragonpit at once."

Criston nodded and stepped forward to take the baby, him hissing and snapping madly at his hands. 

I smiled, "I believe I will return the little one to King's Landing. Thank you, sers."

I mounted Syrax and headed for him, the babe curled in my lap the whole way.


My first stop was the dragonpit to drop off both Syrax and the unnamed boy. He cursed the Dragonkeepers with tiny flames and snapping jaws as they tried to separate us. 

I looked at the men attempting to soothe their burnt fingers, "The babe shall stay with me. I would like meals be sent to my chambers at the appropriate feeding times. Thank you." I turned on my heels and headed to my father's chambers, him already seething.

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