King of the Narrow Sea

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I now sat in a throne room, exhausted of the influx of piss-poor choices. A child stood before me, I hardly listened to him or the other child who continued to harass him through his speech. My ears opened fully, though, as they drew their swords on each other.

"We're leaving." I jumped out of my chair, Criston and Balerion following in suit. "Send word to the harbor and have Captain Oswin ready the ship."

C: "Princess, we're due in Bitterbridge in three days' time."

"I would happily row myself back to King's Landing if it brought an end to the ridiculous pageant."

A man cried out, the crowd gasping in shock as he had been impaled. I looked back in horror, Criston quickly blocking my sight,

"Do not look, Princess." he guided me toward the door. 


On the ship, Criston walked to my side,

"We should make landfall inside the hour, Princess."

I sighed, taking my eyes from the sea, "How do you think he will take it?"

C: "Do you speak of how your rejected every suitor His Grace put before you, or how you abruptly ended the tour with two months remaining."

"All of it?"

He smiled, though before he could speak, a loud shriek broke across the sky. A familiar whistle was followed by Caraxes diving from the sky, almost knocking the ship over. The sudden jolt of the ship caused everyone to fall, my head knocking against the ship's side and Balerion falling from my shoulder.

Cole rushed to me, "Princess! Are you hurt?" he whipped around to the nearest man, "Fetch the maester!"

"I'm fine." I held my head, though spoke the truth. I cradled Balerion in my arms and stared at Caraxes as Daemon rode him into King's Landing.


I practically ran to the throne room as everyone gathered inside. After we all settled, he appeared in the doorway, a sword in hand and crown on his head. He marched towards the Throne, towards my Father. 

He held up the blade, "Add it to the chair." it clattered against the ground and produced many whispers through the crowd.

F: "You wear a crown. Do you also call yourself 'King'?"

D: "Once we smashed the Triarchy, they named me 'King of the Narrow Sea'. But I know that there is only one true king, Your Grace." He kelt and removed his crown, "My crown and the Stepstones are yours." 

F: "Well, where is Lord Corlys?"

D: "He sailed home to Driftmark."

F: "Who holds the Stepstones?"

D: "The tides, the crabs, and 2,000 dead Triacrchy corsairs staked to the sand to warn those who might follow."

My father stepped down from his throne and took the crown into his hand to glance at it only briefly before handing it off. "Rise."

Daemon did as he was told and was quickly met with the King's embrace, the entire audience applauding.


A party was thrown. 

Father decided to catch Alicent up on their childhood;

F: "Our mother, she had no regard for custom or tradition, rules. And I, sadly, was no great warrior."

"Congratulations on your victory, Uncle."

My Father's smile faded as his eyes fell on me, disappointment coming from every ounce of him.

D: "Thank you, Princess."

A: "Perhaps Prince Daemon would care for a tour of the gallery? He hasn't yet seen the new tapestries gifted to you by Norvos and Qohor."

F: "Oh, oh. Would you like to see the tapestries?" they broke into laughter, Alicent forcing a brave smile, "He has no interest in such things."

"Well, I for one, think that is a lovely idea, My Queen. I would love to see them."

Once again, his joy faded, "Oh, well, then you should not deprive yourself."

"I shall enjoy them alone." I matched his scowl before making my way to a nearby bench, Alicent soon joining me. Balerion rested his ever-growing-larger head on my lap while he curled at my feet.

A: "I surmise time tour did not go well."

"My options were between men older than His Grace or children, Alicent. I endured it as long as I could." I stroked Balerion to relieve my anger.

A: "To have every young knight and lord in the Seven Kingdoms fawning over you... What misery." her smile fell into a neutral state, "It is rare for girls in this realm to get a choice between two suitors, no less two score of them."

"Those men and boys don't fawn over me. They only want my name and my Valyrian blood for their offspring. I would rather die than give it to them."

A: "It think it's rather romantic."

I scoffed, "How romantic it must be to get imprisoned in a castle and made to squeeze out heirs." I saw her blink back tears, "I'm so sorry, Alicent." I took her hand, wishing I could free her from her torment. "How angry is he?"

A: "The King went through great effort to arrange your tour. He is... frustrated. But I am glad you are home. I find I have... few friends lately. I like to believe I'm still the Lady Alicent, but... all anyone sees when they look at me now is 'The Queen'."

"I've missed you, too, Alicent. You are so much more than just the Queen to me."

She smiled, "I should return to His Grace."

I nodded, releasing my hold on her hand. I spotted Daemon basking in the sun near the Godswood, 

"You seemed so content on Dragonstone. Why did you come back? There is surely more to your return than simply taunting my father."

He smiled, taking the pendant from my necklace in his hand, Balerion stepping closer to me and snorting as a warning.

I placed my hand on his head to calm him without breaking my eye concact with Daemon,"So... what do you want?"

D: "Only the comforts of home." he walked from me, making himself a drink at one of the buffet tables.

"I had not thought you particularly comfortable in this home. Though I do suppose you seem changed by your adventures. More mature, perhaps."

D: "You've matured yourself these last four years, Princess."

"I believe you are the only one who would say so, dear uncle."

D: "You'll get used to the attention."

"The attention I can endure. It's the rest I could do without. Frankly, I rather fly to my end day on dragonback than be saddled into a marriage."

D: "Marriage is only a political arrangement. Once you are wed, you can do as you like."

"For men marriage might be a political arrangement. For women, it is like to be a death sentence."

D: "Would that it were, I would have been rid of my Bronze Bitch ages ago." he handed me his cup.

"Your wife has been fortunate. You haven't put a child in her."

He chuckled, "I doubt a child could grow in such hostile environs."

Now I laughed, but for only a moment, "My mother was made to produce heirs until it killed her. I won't subject myself  to the same fate."

D: "What happened to your mother was a tragedy. But this is a tragic world. You cannot live your life in fear, or you will forsake the best parts of it."

"And what parts are that? Boring garden parties filled with people I loath? I do not desire to live in fear. Only solitude."

D: "Such a lonely prospect."

"I do believe that's the point."

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