King of the Narrow Sea (2)

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Lannister: "The Stepstones were meant to be won for the realm, but over the past few days, it seems we have traded a crabfeeder for a seasnake. This is clearly a rebuke for passing over Lady Laena for Queen Alicent."

F: "Years have passed since the business with his daughter. Certainly, he cannot still be wroth?"

Mellos: "The Sea Snake is an over-proud man, to be sure, Your Grace. That pride has been injured. Perhaps we can salve the wound?"

Beesbury: "I fear Lord Corlys' pride is the least of our worries."

Hightower: "I don't wish to cause you further distress, Your Grace, but my brother has sent disturbing word from Oldtown. Lord Corlys is said to have engaged in negotiations with the Sealord of Braavos. He plans to wed his daughter Laena to the Sealord's son. If House Velaryon entered into an alliance with the Free Cities... then... we would have to seek our own marriage pact."

I tensed in my seat as everyone's eyes fell on me. I feared for my freedom once again.


I walked to my room, my head running a million mile an hour. 

"Goodnight, Ser Criston."

C: "Sleep well, Princess."

I shut my door and began undressing, a bag catching my eye. I dumped the bag of clothes on my table, slightly confused. Within them I found a paper, one with the layout of my room drawn, a large red X marking a wall. I moved the bench that sat there and pushed on it, the wall moving inward to reveal a stairwell. I quickly changed and rushed down it leaving Balerion alone to sleep.

The path led me to an unguarded exit where Daemon stood, grinning. He took my hand and we headed past the walls. the streets of town were filled with people and music. 

D: "Come, there's a show." 

We took our seats as the play continued.

A: "And now we come to the matter of the great Iron Chair... and whose bum it might bear. Our good King... names his daughter, a girl, his heir."

The crowd jeered and booed as a man who was meant to be me stepped forward.

A: "But then to him, a babe is born."

Now a man, meant to be Alicent, grunted and gasped horribly, a doll being pulled from beneath his dress.

A: "A son! To which heir might the chair bear? Who will it be? The brother? The daughter? Or the little princeling of three?"

Everyone laughed, to which I rolled my eyes.

A: "Kymyra... The Realm's Delight, so young and so slight... loved by all of her people, but would she make a powerful queen, or would she be feeble?"

Crowd: "Feeble!"

A: "Though Aegon, the babe Prince, might long for a claim, he has two things Kymyea cannot: a conqueror's name... and a cock!"

I leaned toward Daemon, "Did you bring me out just to show me how little the realm wishes for my presence? For one night I wish to be free of the burdens of my inheritance."

D: "Then let me take you to a place where that is possible."

"Lead the way."

He led me to a pleasure house, to which my skin crawled. The deafening moans filled my head and made me sick as everywhere I looked there was sex to be found. Hand in hand, we walked to a nearby wall, his breath warmed my neck as his hands traveled my body. An instant wave of fear and regret washed over me, I couldn't...


He pulled back, but only slightly.

My breath hitched, "I wish to return to my chambers."

I jumped as his fist slammed the wall just above my head, his voice basically a lust-filled growl, "Kymyra."

"No, I- No." by ducking under his arm, I ran from the pleasure house and down the nearest alley. A strong hand grabbed me, haulting my escape at once. I looked beneath the helmet, a vaguely familiar pair of eyes glaring down at me.

"Ser Harwin?"

His head cocked slightly, "Princess?"

Daemon appeared in the entrance, our eyes trailing from him back to each other, he growled slightly. His grip tightened around my arm,

"Come, Princess."


"I'm taking you back." he shot a glare at the cloaked figure who continued to keep his distance as to not be recognized.

"Ser Harwin, please."

Though it was too late, I was already being pulled off. I protested the entire way to the gates, his hold not letting up until Ser Cole was in eyeshot. He abandoned his place in my doorway and marched towards us.

C: "Princess, are you alright?"

Harwin's hand finally released from my arm, my hand rubbing it in attempt to sooth the dull pain, "Just fine, Ser Criston."

His eyes became large, flicking madly between the two of us, "Did he hurt you, Princess!?" he shoved me back gently, his sword drawn on Harwin.

Harwin's face fell to only concern, "I meant no harm, Princess, only to-"

"I am fine, sers. I only wish to sleep now. Ser Harwin, thank you for the escort." I walked to my room, slamming the door behind me.

Cole's voice came through the door, "I should alert the-"

"No!" I lunged towards the door, opening it. "I assure you, ser, that I am fine." I bit my lip and figured why not add one more to the list of shameful acts I've done tonight, "In fact," I reached out for his hand, taking it and pulling him through the frame, "I am much more than fine."


"Ser." I spoke mockingly, taking his other hand and pulling him even closer to me. Releasing his arms, I pulled at my shirt, his sat on mine,



Before he could answer, I rose, bringing my lips to his.

"I made an oath, Princess. I... I cannot."

"Neither can I, isn't that the fun in it?" I ran my fingers through his hair, "There was a time when you admitted to wanting to kiss me. Well, here is your chance, ser." I took a step back, my arms out. 

He seemingly growled as he jumped forward, wrapping his arms around my body and pressing me against him. Our passion stopped before it really began as a loud clatter came from outside. 

"Stay." I walked to the door poking my head out to see a maid picking up a mop bucket. I leaned against the door, the weight of our situation coming down on me. "It seems I danger the both of our standings... Goodnight, Ser Criston."

He cleared his throat and fixed what bits of his armor I'd managed to undo, "Goodnight, Princess."

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