King of the Narrow Sea (3)

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The next morning I was brushing my hair when there was a knock,

"I'm dressed, Annora. Come."

The doors opened but instead it was Ser Cole who stepped in.

He refused to meet my eyes, "Princess."


C: "I-I have a message from the Queen. She has requested you in the garden. It's urgent."

I cleared my throat, "Thank you, Ser Cole."


I met Alicent beneath the Godwood, 

A: "What happened last night?"

"What do you mean?"

A: "My father has made some worrying allegations about you. Were you with your uncle?"

"I was. I haven't seen him in years, he took me to the city. Harmless fun."

She stepped to it, fury on her face, "Tell me the whole of it, Rhaenyra."

"Okay. We drank and watched a show. What exactly is your father accusing me of? That I drank wine? That I left the castle after dark?"

A: "That you fucked Daemon in a pleasure house!"

"Alicent..." my lip quivered, "what has led you to believe such gossip?"

A: "My father is no gossip."

"Well, certainly he's been misled. He could not have witnessed such a thing."

A: "Why not?"

"Because it did not happen."

A: "He was told that you-"

"Told? Who made these claims to your father?" Alicent's hesitation angered me, "I am the Princess. To question my virtue is an act of treason."

A: "I do not know specifically-"

"What, did your father not tell you?"

A: "He reported it to the King. I overheard."

"So you are accusing me of slanders... you overheard?"

A: "I only want to help you, Kymyra."

I sighed, "Okay... yes, we drank. A lot. And, yes, he took me to a pleasure house and tried to kiss me... But I didn't let him, I promise you this. I returned to the castle alone and disgusted by his efforts and intentions. I tried to leave before that but he was my escort, I-I had no other choice." I took her hands, "Alicent, you must believe me. I was manipulated. I should've known better than to trust him."

A: "Nothing happened?"

"Daemon did not touch me. I swear this to you upon the memory of my mother, Alicent, please."

She sighed, "It was foolish of you to place yourself in a position where your virtue could even come into question."

"It was. And I will never do anything like it again. I regret it deeply and I would do anything to prove my innocence."

A: "I'm afraid there is nothing to be done. But I believe you, and your father will, too." 


It wasn't until that night that I was called to my father's chambers. My heart raced as the doors opened to reveal a seemingly empty room. His dagger, which never left his side, was sitting in a fire. I slowly reached out for it, jumping back as his voice came out from the shadows,

"That dagger once belonged to Aegon the Conqueror. It was Aenar's before that. And before that... well, it is difficult to know. Before Aegon's death, the last of the Valyrian pyromancers his his song in the steel." he lifted the blade so I could read the words,

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