Second of His Name (3)

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Back home, I was summoned to the room of Small Council. The doors opened and I caught the very end of their meeting;

Father: "Make haste to Dwarfstone, Ser Addam. Hand deliver this to Prince Daemon yourself."

A: "At once, Your Grace." he and a handful of men walked out. 


F: "I'm sending word to Daemon. Aid is sailing to the Stepstones."

"Did he make call for help?"

F: "He would sooner die. But his king does not mean to allow that."

I now sat, the grin from his face falling.

F: "Do you not think my decision correct?"

"It is no consequence to what I think, as I am often reminded."

F: "Daemon is thorn enough in my flesh. Will you insist on taking after him? Must everything be a battle?"

"If you refer to your attempt to marry me off to Casterly Rock."

He sighed, "I am sorry, Kymyra. I was trying to help you. Will you not be helped?"

I scoffed, "Not by Jason Lannister."

F: "Why must every effort on your behalf be resisted as if to the death?"

I grew emotional, "Because you mean to replace me. With Alicent Hightower's son, the boy you've always wanted. You have him in hands now. Y-you have no further use for me. You might as well peddle me for what you can, because that is all I am good for now. A mountain stronghold or a fleet of ships."

Saddness sat on his face, "You have misjudged me, Kymyra."

"All know it. Jason Lannister knows it. Otto Hightower is dead set on it. You said it yourself, the lords of the realm gather like vultures to a carcass, hoping to feast on my bones."

F: "It is true that as rulers we must marry for advantage, to forge alliances and bolster our strength. You have always understood this. I myself was promised to your mother when I was-"

"Ten-and-seven years of age. The Vale had an army to rival the North. I've heart that story since I've had ears to."

F: "I loved her. She made a man of me. I do not seek to replace you, child. You've been much alone these last few years. Alone and angry. I will not live forever. I wish to see you contented, happy even."

"You think a man will do it? Perhaps his children?"

F: "What would you have me do!?"

"If it was for advantage, you would've married Leana Valeryon!"

F: "That is true..." he sighed, "You must marry, strengthen your own claim, shore up your succession, multiply. As to your match... make it yourself."

My eyes shot from the floor to him in shock.

F: "Search him out. Find one that pleases you, as I did."

I fought tears as I jumped to wrap him into a hug.

He backed up only a step, planting his hands on my shoulders, "I need you to know, I did waver at one time. But I swear to you now, on your mother's memory, you will not be supplanted."

I held back my tears, "Thank you, father." 


(Sorry this one was so short)


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