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I had convinced my father to throw one last party in honor of my courtship ending. I was nearly bored to tears as the speeches droned on, until finally, music played and people began to gather on the dance floor.

Alicent leaned across my father, "Care to dance, Princess?"

I smiled, "I would love to, Your Grace."

We stood, her taking my hand, and we joined everyone on the floor. We giggled as we twirled each other into the night.

"Alicent, I wish to speak with you plainly."

"Of course, Kymyra."

"Do you believe I would make a good queen?"

"I've told you this for many years."

"Indeed, but... I fear it possible there is a better option for the throne. Your Aegon, perhaps."

"Kymyra," she haulted and pulled me closer, "your father, the King, made a decision driven by his heart. If he believed Aegon, or anyone else for that matter, better suited, he would've made it known by now."

I smiled, "Thank you, my queen."

Her face grew sad, "Kymyra, you will become queen one day. And some will not except you."

"I know this."

"You must promise me something..."


Desperation overtook her eyes as they watered slightly, "You will spare my children when the time comes that they choose Aegon over you."

My eyes grew wide, "Alicent you can't possibly believe that I would hurt them."

"It's just... my father. Before he left he said something that continues to worry me."

"You have my w-"

Loud screaming and a strong force pulling us apart interrupted my words. I looked around desperately for answers, though the overlapping shouts and constant pushing made it hard. One last shove pushed me and Balerion to the floor, I attempted to crawl my way from the carnage. Just as I neared safety beneath the table, I was hoisted into the air and thrown over someone's shoulder. Balerion flew after us as I bashed against his back, not knowing if this was a safe or dangerous person, "Put me down!"

Finally, I was released just outside of the room, my knight in shining armor being revealed,

"Ser Harwin," Balerion shoved himself between us, hissing at Harwin madly, "It's okay, Balerion. He saved us." he settled, but grumbled as he watched Harwin carefully.

He was looking me up and down madly, "Are you hurt, Princess?"

"No, no, I'm fine. Thank you."

"Of course, Princess. You should stay out here until it settles." He glanced back to still booming room.

"What's going on?"

"I'm not quite sure. Though I believe it involves Ser Criston and a party-goer."

"Will..." I cleared my throat, "I shouldn't be left alone, not with a brawl going on."

He smirked, "Surely not."

I looked towards our many possible exits, "I could use some fresh air, ser."

"I'm afraid it wouldn't be proper, Princess."

"What isn't proper is two men trying to kill each other during my party. You are simply escorting me to safety."

"As nice as that sounds, I should fetch a kingsgard." he turned,

"Ser Harwin..." I waited for him to turn back, "Please?"

The Heart Of House TargaryenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin