Second of His Name (2)

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I marched back into the tent to confront my father,

"Is that what I am to you? A prize to proffer about to the great houses?"

Annoyance quickly washed over his face, "You're of age, Rhaenyra. And Jason Lannister is an excellent match."

"He's arrogant and self-serious."

His voice was poison as he spit his words, "Well, I thought you might have that in common. Since you came of age, I've been slowly drowning in a lake of parchment flung from every corner of the realm. Marriage proposals, all. And I have tried often to discuss it with you, but you've refused me at every turn."

"Because I will not be shipped off to some Lord's land to suffer the rest of my days as nothing more than his lady wife!" Balerion grumbled at him in agreeance with me.

F: "Even I do not exist above tradition and duty, Kymyra!"

Otto: "Excuse me, Your Grace."

I looked from Otto to my father, anger taking over my face.

F: "You must marry." he looked at Otto, "Yes?"

O: "The royal huntsman have sent a report, Your Grace. There's been a sighting of a white hart." 

I took my moment to escape, nearly running to the nearest steed and galloping away while Balerion flew after. Cole followed me, screaming at me to stop as I neared a lake. His hand appeared out of almost nowhere and took my horse by the reins, pulling the both of us to a stop.

He panted lightly, "What happened back there?"

"My father trying to sell me off to Jason Lannister." I shook my head, "Was... was I named heir to the Iron Throne so that I might only further raise the standing of a Lord of Casterly Rock?"

He waited before speaking, "Do you want me to kill him?"

I looked at him, our eye contact leading to mad laughter.

C: "We should return to camp, Princess." 

I looked at the sky, "It's a beautiful day. We should take in the Kingswood. It would be a shame to waste the opportunity."

He sighed, though smiled at me and we began our walk through the pine forest.

"Were you ever betrothed, Ser Criston?"

C: "I had an adventurous youth when my father served at Blackhaven, to be sure. But my station was never high enough for a formal bethrothal. Before I spoke my vows as a knight of the Kingsguard, I could've married a common-born girl had I wished."

"I wish to have the power of choosing for my own life. I may be the Princess of Dragonstone, but I am toothless."

"One day... not so long ago, you had the power to write my name into the White Book. And when your father named me to his Kingsguard, it was the highest honor any Cole has ever known. All that I have, I owe to you."

I stopped walking and turned myself to fully face him, him doing the same.

C: "I'd hardly call that toothless, Princess." he studied my face for a moment, "What?"

"I only..." I bit my lip, knowing I shouldn't say it, "I only wish to kiss you, Ser Criston."

He dropped his head, a blush instantly warming his cheeks.

"Though, I know it to be improper for the both of us, so... I shall not."

C: "Why tell me?"

"Because I find it hard to keep things from you, Ser Criston. You're incredibly easy to talk to. For that, I thank you."

He smiled kindly, "Truthfully Princess, if it weren't for our duties, I might've kissed you already myself."

"Oh?" I gave him a playful look.

He only nodded and continued walking.


The sun had set and Criston decided to make a fire for us. I stared at the stars, taking in the beauty of the night as smoke faded into its dark sky. Balerion snuggled close to the fire, the warmth lulling him to sleep. 

C: "Princess, I must make a final plea that we return to the camp."

"I rather prefer it here."

C: "His Grace is certain to be worried by your absence."

"His Grace can worry himself to death if he so likes." I let silence fall over us again for a beat before speaking again, "Tell me something, Ser Criston. Do you think the realm will ever accept me as their Queen?"

He thought about his answer carefully, "They'll have no choice but to, Princess."

I couldn't tell if that was the answer I was looking for or not. Just as I was about to speak again, the horses started neighing nervously and Balerion jumped from his curled position. Criston stood, drawing his sword. Twigs snapped somewhere nearby and I grabbed a dagger, preparing myself for anything.

A horrible shriek filled the air as a boar plowed through Cole, sending him into the air. It started toward me, pinning me to the ground and whipping its tusks around madly. My dagger was thrown from me from our thrashing, Criston's sword plunging deep into the pig's back. It fell to the side for a moment. I panted and started to stand when it stirred suddenly, In a panic, I managed to find my dagger, frantically stabbing it even after it had fallen breathless.

C: "Are you alright, Princess?"

I stood, panting, "Just fine, ser. We will set for camp in the morning." Balerion jumped into my arms, terrified of the events that had just taken place.

He nodded, "Of course, Princess."


As the sun emerged from the treeline, we mounted and started back. Reaching an outlook, I stopped to take in the beauty of the Kingswood. A loud bellow caught my attention, as I turned to look at the noise, a giant stag appeared. 

"The white hart." I smiled at the beautiful sight.

Criston slowly drew his sword.

I whispered as to not startle the majestic beast, "No."

The hart stared into my soul for only a moment before turning back to the woods, hopefully to never be seen again.


We entered the camp, all eyes on us. I dismounted and strut my way to the crown's table, a confident smirk on my face. I looked around only once, my eyes falling on the Strong family tent, Larys Strong's oldest doing something that stood out against all the rest; he smiled and gave a nod of approval.

I took my seat at the table, "Your Graces."

A: "It's good to see you back in one piece, Princess."

"Thank you, My Queen."

My Father said nothing, not alluding to whatever emotion was hiding under his neutral expression. 


Later, there was a party. Bards strummed and sang as people danced and drank, Alicent and I kept our promise to eat sweets and gossip. That was until I spotted Ser Harwin alone. I turned to Alicent,

"Do you believe my father to grow angry if I danced?"

"I don't see why he would..." her face grew tired, "Who?"

"You will see, won't you, My Queen." I smirked at her as I stood.

Making my way towards him, he smiled again.


"Ser Harwin. Would you care for a dance?" I stuck out my hand, to which he took.

"It would be my honor, Princess."

As we started, I giggled at myself.

"I have a confession, ser."

"And what would that be, Princess?"

"I do not know how to dance."

He laughed then allowed a smile to rest on his face as he whispered, "Neither do I."

The Heart Of House TargaryenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora