The Second of His Name

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Alicent bore a child fairly quickly, today was his second name day. A party was called in his honor. I feared it would also call for the end of my place as heir, though I hoped my father remembered the promise he'd made me nearly three years ago. 

Truthfully, I wanted nothing to do with it. I was never a fan of children. Spending my day watching everyone drool over a small human that eats porridge with his hands and pees on himself was anything but how I planned to spend my day. I found myself beneath the Godswood Tree, book and Balerion in hand, and a bard singing to me.

I didn't bother to look up from my reading as the song faded from the strums, "Again."

Samwell: "Perhaps the Princess would like to hear something else?"

"She would not. Play it again." I stroked Balerion's head as I continued to read.

He cleared his throat, starting the song over again. His singing stopped suddenly, "Your Grace."

"Did I say to stop? From the beginning."

He slid back down the tree, starting the song.

A: "Kymyra?"


A: "Your presence is wanted in the outer courtyard. The royal hunt readies to depart."

"I don't wish to go, Alicent." I now looked at her, swollen belly and all. "You may go, Samwell."

She waited for him to scamper off before speaking again, "The King wishes for you to join us. He wants for us all to be together. Perhaps we could gossip over sweets as we once did."

I smiled slightly at the memories. Her marrying my father managed to pull us apart slightly, so it'd been years since our last real visit together. "You will have a break from the babe?"

Now she smiled, "I will."

Truthfully, I craved what we once had. We were inseparable, nothing to ever break our bond. Though, I felt weird about my childhood companion carrying my siblings in her womb and sleeping in my father's bed, I still missed her. I missed her more than I would ever let myself admit.


We loaded into the carriage, the four of us plus three maids for the child and Balerion.

F: "Isn't this splendid. The whole of our family off to celebration and adventure in the Kingswood."

I smiled, the carriage rocking violently as it rolled into a pothole, "Should you be traveling in such condition?"

Alicent groaned slightly, "The maester said that being out in nature would do me well."

F: "Well, you will be with your own child sooner than late, and make me a proud grandsire."

"I shudder at the thought, father. I much prefer the company of my dear Balerion and Syrax."

A: "It's not so bad. The days are long, but Aegon came quickly and without fuss."

I thought back to my own mother, her and Baelon not having the same luck. 

F: "You should ride out with me today. Join in the chase."

"I'd prefer to spare my ears. Boars squeal like children when they're being slaughtered. I find it discomforting."

F: "It is a hunt, Kymyra. How would you like to participate?"

"I don't see why I must."

F: "Because you are my daughter, the Princess. And you have duties."

I mummbled to myself, "As I am ceaselessly reminded..."

F: "I'm sorry?"

"As I am ceaselessly reminded!"

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