Jace, Luke, and Alys

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It is now ten years later and I have two sons and four dragons;

Syrax, Balerion, Grey Ghost, and Sheepstealer. 

Currently, I sit screaming out in labor pains.

Midwife: "Keep breathing." she waited for my breathing to steady, "And push!"

I cried out through my teeth as I pushed,

M: "And again."

"I ca- I can't." though, my body was already doing it for me. I groaned, feeling the baby grow closer to being born.

M: "Push!"

The second midwife smiled, "The head!"

I pushed once more, feeling and hearing the babe slip out of me.

M1: "A girl, Princess."

M2: "Praise the Mother!"

Relief washed over me as shrill cries filled the room. I cried through my laughter as she was handed to me, "Healthy?"

M2: "Kicking like a goat, Princess."

"Call for Harwin." 

The younger midwife nodded as hurried out of the room.

I kissed my daughter's head, her calming at my touch. 

He burst through the door with a large smile on his face, "A girl! How are you feeling, my darling?"

"Just fine, husband." I looked back to the midwives, "Give us a moment and announce it to Their Graces."

They nodded and stepped out of the room.

He kissed my forehead, "What shall we name her?"

I gazed at the perfect little person we'd created together, "Alys. Alys Strong."

He, too, stared at the bundle in my arms, "As perfect as her mother." he kissed my cheek and stood, "May I?"

I nodded and passed her to him, "Luke shall be thrilled. He bet she'd come out a girl."

Harwin laughed, "Of course he did. You'll be happy to see the egg our boys have chosen for the cradle."

"I can't wait."

The doors slung open and my father waltzed in, Alicent following him.

F: "What a glorious day! Where is she? Where is my granddaughter?" he smiled largely as Harwin handed her to him. "A fine Princess."

A: "How are you doing, Kymyra?" she stood by my side, holding my hand.


A: "Does the babe have a name yet?"


Her eyes watered, "A wonderful name, Kymyra."

"I thought so."

F: "I do believe she has her father's nose."

H: "I would hope not, for her sake."

We all laughed. Alicent now took the babe, "White hair..." she smiled and looked at me, "She looks just like you."

"Thank you, Alicent."

My father now stepped to my side, "Well done, my girl. I do hope the labor was easy."

"I think I called the midwife a cunt."

F: "Oh." he chuckled softly before kissing my cheek and embracing me. "We shall leave you to rest."

I smiled as they left the room, "Should we introduce her to the boys?"

Harwin lent me his arm and walked me to the boys' room.

Jace jumped up at our entrance, "Mother..." he ran to an egg cradle, "look." he lifted the lid to reveal a black egg.

Luke: "We chose an egg for the baby."

"Ahh. That looks like the perfect one." Harwin helped me sit down.

J: "I let Luke choose."

L: "Thank you, Jace."

I smiled at my husband, our perfect little family was just that; perfect.


The next day, I sat in Small Council.

Lyonel: "It is Lord Blackwood's contention, therefore, that the Brackens moved the boundary stones in the dead of night and put their horses to graze in his field."

Alicent: "Why was this issue not brought before Lord Grover? Has he grown so feeble he cannot settle a quarrel over rock?"

Jasper Wylde: "I've heard tale that Lord Grover's son now rules Riverrun in all but name."

"Then why can't he deal with it?"

I was only answered a shrug, to which I sighed, "The Brackens and Blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other's blood. There will be countryfolk who know where the lines have been drawn for generations."

L: "That is easy enough. Ser Tyland."

T: "Uh, we should address latest developments in the Stepstones, my lords."

My father rubbed his temple and sighed, "Will we ever shut of that blasted place?"

Beesbury: "If you ask me, I think the Blackwoods have the upperhand."

A: "No, we've moved onto the Stepstones, Lord Bessbury."

Tyland leaned closer to Beesbury and spoke loudly, "And the Triarchy's new alliance with Dorne."

F: "I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspear might persuade them to see reason." he coughed into a handkerchief.

"The Triarchy cannot see reason, Your Grace." 

W: "And where, I wonder, is our Prince Daemon? Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there... once."

A: "That was a decade ago, he has since left the region undefended."

"As have we. We should've built fortifications, watchtowers, sent a fleet of ships and a garrison of soldiers to hold our ground. And until we do that, the Stepstones will prove a constant thorn. We have been lax and now the old monster lifts its head."

W: "I must agree."

Alicent nodded, "We will look into the costs and discuss it next council. Let us be finished."

F: "Yes." him and the other lords stood.

"Wait, I have something to say." I waited for everyone to sit back down, "I wish to discuss betrothals. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena. Let them rule together."

F: "A most judicious proposition." he looked at Alicent,

A: "I agree. It would strengthen our house for another generation."

"Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, Aemond will have his choice of them."

She smiled, "A wonderous offer, thank you."

F: "My dear, a dragon's egg is a handsome gift."'

A: "Truly. We accept both propositions." she turned to the king, "You must rest now, husband."

He nodded, "Yes."


At dinner, 

"Jace, you are to wed the Princess Heleana when you both come of age."

J: "What?"

"I know, this may come as a surprise, but it is your duty as heir and prince to strengthen our line. Heleana is a wonderful girl, you two shall rule the Seven Kingdoms together after I am gone."

He nodded, though sadly. 

"Hey, my darling boy, I am sure the two of you will be very happy together. If this is not the truth when your time comes... we shall speak."

J: "What does that mean?"

"You will learn. For now, eat."

J: "Yes, mother."

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