New friends and new problems

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Dumbledore left Gringrotts in shock as he returned to Hogwarts. He barely noticed anything as he returned to his office and dropped heavily into his chair. Harry had been claimed by an unknown person, he'd been shut out of not only the vaults, which he had secretly been accessing through a corrupt goblin, but any information regarding that family, and he had nothing to turn this all around. Things were well and truly fucked.

"How could this have happened?" He questioned himself as he turned over every event that had happened. There had been no signs that anything was going wrong, nothing to suggest someone was getting close to taking that which he had such a good hold on, only for it all to just fall away from him in the blink of an eye with no one able to tell him just who had been at the center of it all.

Running a hand down his face, Dumbledore decided that it was time to let the Order know of what had happened. The only thing he could hope to get from telling them was that one of them would know something or have a connection that could be used to learn the identity of this mystery relative. Someone had to know and someone was bound to talk.


Another visit with Eir for Harry, this time it was just Frigga with him as Loki had gone to take care of some things else where. Harry wasn't sure where, as Loki had been in a hurry and there were a lot of words used that he hadn't understood, but at least he knew that Loki would return in a few hours and most likely tell him everything that had happened. For now though Harry had to just do as Eir told him to while she mended his body some more.

Harry's mind, with nothing better to do, drifted slight to earlier that day, when Frigga had taken him out to walk around the market area. It had been an exciting time as there were so many things he had never imagined could exsist before, and the smells were amazing too. Frigga had even gotten him some pastries that had fresh berries in them, those had been so good. His eyes ran over everything, trying to take it all in before stopping on a figure off to the side of the market.

It was a young girl, Harry guessed that she was close to his age, and the first thing he noticed about her was her hair, it was red with blond highlights appearing almost like a river of fire and hung down to her shoulders. Then he noticed the plain dress that covered her thin frame, though not as thin as he had once been, she still appeared thinner then most girls her age and yet Harry could tell she was stronger then most of those girls. She wore nothing on her dirt covered feet and when he really looked at her, he realized she was really dirty though it was hard to tell in some places what was dirt, and what was tanned skin. Her blue eyes suddenly locked with his and Harry froze in place, not sure what to do as the girl seemed to stare at him. A sudden shout from one of the stall keepers broke the girl's lock on Harry and she bolted away down an alley.

Harry had turned to Frigga when he heard her sigh.

"Not all children have families I fear, Harry. Some, like that girl, are alone and forced to live on the streets. It's heart breaking to see them struggling to get by." She had told him.

Harry had looked back at the alley as he continued to follow Frigga through the market, the girl in the back of his mind. Even now as Harry sat still for Eir, he wondered about that girl and why she was alone. Did her parents die like his did?

Then Harry recalled the two boys he'd seen while waiting for Frigga to finish talking to some women. He could tell the boys weren't related from their appearances, and just like the girl from eariler they appeared close to his age. However the two boys appeared to be in some kind of trouble as a small group of men were gathered around them, one of the boys was fighting some of the men while the other was being held back by one of the men, a small bunch of dead birds off to the side of the boy being held.

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