A heart is a heart, regardless of colour

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To say that the people of Asgard were sore when they woke the next morning would be an understatement, especially the ones who had gone home from the ball earlier. However, one thing that most of those who had attended the ball could say was, they had, indeed, had fun. The women on the other hand, were already thinking of ways they could improve Asgard, or become warriors like the great Lady Sif.

By midday, most knew that Harry had had some hand in the Ball happening, winning him the hearts and respect of many of the people of Asgard.

Sif, however, was already planning on how to get her revenge on Freya, with Harry being her means to do it too. She just had to make sure that anyone that could get in the way was busy. Loki and Freya were still sleeping off the ball, and their drinks, what they did have at least, and so wouldn't be in the way for a while. Fandral and Volstagg were also busy that day so they were not a problem. The only ones that could get in her way were Harry's friends, Hogun, Thor, and Odin and Frigga.

Thor and Hogun were easy to distract though. All she had to do was tell them that she received word that a beast had been tearing up a forest and with Volstagg and Fandral busy, it fell to both Thor and Hogun, as she had to stay and make sure the beast did not reach the city. Thor fell for it right away, Hogun however had given her a look that said he knew better, but went with Thor anyway. From the way Thor acted, Sif could tell he had been informed of the 'dance' he had done, and thus wanted to get away from the city for a while, that was perfectly fine by her. Now all she had to do was get the king and queen busy, as well as remove Harry's friends from her path, and she would be able to strike.

Sif couldn't believe her luck; the Allfather has a great deal of work to do in the court of Asgard. Queen Frigga however was proving more difficult to keep busy. As she would see through Sif easily, as well as any tricks Sif could use to get her out of the way. However, just as Sif was starting to think of ways around Frigga, she learned that the queen had gone to the palace library and was seen pulling many books from the shelves. That normally meant that the queen was going to spend her whole day reading, which meant that she would be busy for the rest of the day unless something 'big' happened to get her attention.

So, that left Harry's friends, the orphans that no one wants. It still angered her that such low class, unworthy citizens of Asgard, had been made the students of one of Asgard's princes. Sure, it was Loki that became their teacher, but it still wasn't right! With them being orphans, she could not convince them to go visit family as none of them had any. How does one get rid of those brats, when there is little she could use to get rid of them. Spotting Amora, the Enchantress Sif saw her chance to strike.

"What do you want?" Amora asked Sif cautiously as she saw the female warrior approach, she was still bitter about not being able to go with Thor to the ball, and thus wasn't in the mood to deal with Sif on any level.

"You want to show Thor that you are the better choice for him?" Sif questioned, she didn't really want to help Amora with winning Thor, but for right now, getting revenge on Freya was all that mattered to her. "As you know, both Loki and Freya are asleep. Thus their students are not learning anything right now. Why not take over teaching them for part of the day? Thor might take that as a sign that you are a good choice for a bride."

Amora raised her brows in thought at that. She'd not thought about doing something like that before, and it did sound like a good idea to her. However, did she really want to have to deal with brats for part of the day? However, if it would mean Thor would notice her more, and pay attention to her, then maybe it would be worth putting up with it. Letting out a weary sigh, Amora rolled her eyes at what she was about to do. "Well, those children shouldn't be slacking in their studies. I guess I better take up their lessons for today."

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