Coronation and banishment p2

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~Flashback, Asgard~

It was finally the day Thor had been waiting for almost his whole life. The day he would be named king of Asgard and truly begin to lead Asgard into greatness. He was excited, his body almost buzzing with energy, however he was also a little worried. Was he truly ready for this? Could he live up to his father's example as a king?

As doubt was settling in his stomach like a large stone, Thor almost didn't notice as Loki appeared next to him.

"Nervous brother?" Loki questioned with a smirk, having already seen the worry in Thor's eyes.

Thor gave a snort, "You wish," he said as he tried to push away his fears, "I was merely thinking of Harry and how he could not be here today. It is a shame he has to miss this because of schooling."

Loki gave a nod at that. "Well father would not hear of delaying it any longer. Not even to make sure his great grandson would be able to see this day. Still, I am sure he will be happy to hear all about it, in your normal exaggerated way." Loki knew the truth though, the nobles had been pushing Odin to move up the date of the coronation, and Odin had obviously finally given in to shut them up.

Thor gave a chuckle at that. "Come now Loki, you know I never exaggerate any of my tales."

Loki raised a brow at that in disbelief. "I can name several women with whom you have exaggerated stories to, and that's just in the last three years alone," he reminded Thor pointedly.

"Well now that doesn't count as that is a completely different matter!" Thor defended with a smile and a blush before sighing, "Still, today would be better with Harry and his friends here, our dear sister does miss them greatly."

"The school year at Hogwarts is almost over Thor. Harry will be home soon enough, and then you can tell him all about this and he can tell you all about his year at Hogwarts," Loki promised before casting a glance at the doors to the great hall. "This day has been coming for a long time. Now that it is here, it almost does not seem real."

Thor had to nod in agreement with that last part. "Do you think I am ready for this Loki?" He questioned.

Loki turned to Thor with a chuckle. "No matter what I say, your ego will hear none of it," He teased, to which Thor just laughed.

Thor then smiled and said, "Well, shall we get started then?" before he pushed open the doors to the throne room to great applause and cheers from those attending.


~Meanwhile, deep within the pits of the Weapon's Vault~

A small group of Frost Giants had used the secret paths they had been 'informed' of to sneak into Asgard, to steal their most prized treasure, the Casket of Ancient Winters, the container of the Fimbulwinter of Ymir. With it, they would be able to rebuild their homeland and more, so much more...

As they moved, one of the Frost Giants saw a guard walking towards the casket and growled lowly, turning to his compatriots, he said, "Remember my fellow Jotunns, we have to be sneaky, which, even though it's against our ways, will ensure success." They then went about stealthily killing the guards in the Treasure Vault of Asgard. Once done, they then approached the casket.

"This is it?" a female Jotunn asked happily, "I have heard the stories, but I never thought it would be a thing of such beauty."

"That's right, you were born after the wars with Asgard," the leader said, "But yes, this is the Casket of Ancient Winters, I saw it once in my youth, before that bastard of an Asgardian stole it from us!"

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