Interview with Uranas!!!

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Here comes... Uranas!!!

1) How did you become popular on Wattpad?

I don't really know, to tell you the truth. My popularity started rising when I wrote 'It's You Again' and skyrocketed when I posted 'Mean' and 'A Mermaid's Tail'. It all came as I shock to me. I didn't think I'd be this popular.:)

2) How many hours a nite do you spend on Wattpad?

Alot. I don't know the exact time I am on here, because I get on randomly throughout the day.

3) Do Wattpad create or releave stress for you?

Hmm.. I guess a little bit of both. I mean, it relieves stress when I let my ideas fly, but causes stress when I get comments like; "Upload soon", or "Why haven't you uploaded? Are you like dead?"

4) Do you ever get hate mail?

I don't get hate MAIL, it's comments or private messages. But really, it's not HATE mail, it's just complaints that I 'haven't uploaded' or a mistake in a story I made. I only recall one hate comment, and that was on 'It's You Again', on the prologue saying that it was too cheesy.

5) Do you live writing?

Live or love? Anywho..

Yes! I love to write, it let's me express myself in ways that I can't do when talking to people. It gets my ideas out.

6) Do you use the Wattpad app?

Yes. Actually, that's how I found

7) Have you ever won the Watty Awards?

No. Anyways, I haven't applied for it. (That's how you do it

8) Do you read the Watt's Up section on Wattpad?


9) Do you make your covers for your books?

No, I have help from book cover makers. They're amazing, no?:)

10) Is writing your major hobby?


11) Do you put school before writing, or vice versa?

School always comes first.

12) How many months do you think it will take you to finish A Mermaid' Tale?

I don't know, (wow, that's been my answer for alot of these questions..) considering that I have other books in the process...and that I don't know how long it will's hard to be sure.

13) Have you ever thought of deleting your Wattpad account because of haters?

No way, Jose!

14) What do you say to haters?

Well, I don't like to be rude, or be a push over but I definitely stand up for myself (without being too mean) In all it's sort of like..if someone called me an idiot I'd be like (and this has happened before) "Woah. Idiot? Well, my other fans don't think so, so I'd rather you not say stuff like that. It's rude." - Alright, I sound like a weenie.

15) Do you feel you mave left your mark on Wattpad members?

I hope so:)

16) How long is 1 chapter of one of your typical books?

...short... Most of the time it's one page, sometimes two.

17) Do you read or just write stories on Wattpad?

I read and write.

18) How do you feel about the random shuffle button?

I've never used it.

19) Do you like to foreshadow in your stories?


20) Do you think you will be an author as a carrer choice?

Yeah buddy!XD�

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