Interview with Random_Logic

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The.... Random_Logic. Lol

1)On a scale of 1 to 10, how wsafe do you think Wattpad is for children 13 and under?

 Probably 5, right in the middle. You can avoid all the 'inappropriate' stuff at that age, it's their decision what they read.

2) What interests you more, reading, or writing?

Definitely, writing.

3) How often do you typically update chapters of your stories?

Roughly once a week or so.

4) Have you ever been on the What's Hot list?

No, not yet.

5) How often are you on Wattpad daily?

Probably at least 5 hours.

6) Do you write rough drafts of your stories?

It depends on what I'm writing, how the idea came, and stuff like that.

7) Have you ever thought of doing a story with another Wattpad member or a group?

Yeah. Actually, I am doing one right now with a few others under TheRomanceRebellion account.

8) Do you think any of your stories will win The Watty Awards?

Maybe. But if not, that's okay too.

9) Which of your fans do you talk to the most?

Probably Dangerous_Muffin...both on and off Wattpad.

10) When you have writers block, what do you do?

I listen to music for ideas, and usually try to sleep it away.

11) Are any of your stories based on real life events that have happened to you, or someone else?

Nope. I'm sure similar events have happened to other people, but not to anyone I know.

12) Are any of your real life friends, fans of yours on Wattpad?

Yup. There's Dangerous_Muffin, bubbles15, and of course, my mom, racerswife.

13) When you get hate mail, what is your reaction?

Well, I have yet to get any, but when I do, which I'm sure I will, I'll just understand that's their opinion and that not everyone feels that way.

14) What advice would you give to other Wattpad members not on the What's Hot List?

Well, since I haven't been on it either, I can only say that you shouldn't give up. Interact with your fans, and they'll support you and maybe even share your story with thier fans.

15) Do you LOVE writing? Or it it okay?

Depends on the day. Usually I LOVE it, except on writing block days.

16) Which of your stories would you recomend a new Wattpad member to read first?

Probably my story, A Cut Above the Rest becuase it is not nearly as intense as my other one.

17) How long does it  take you to write a 3 paged chapter?

A few hours.

 18) Do you get your inspriation from something, someone, or somewhere?

I get my inspiration from music, my friends, and life in general.

19) Are your characters names made up, or based on someone?

They are all made up, but names that I love.

20) Do you think you will be a real author someday?

I really hope so.

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