Interview with AyeelaAhsetsNiac!!!

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The Fantabulous AyeelaAhsetsNiac!!

1) What made you become a writer?

Reply: Writing comes easiest to me since I don't like to talk. And now it's just a way to express myself and vent.

2) How did you discover this cool website?

Reply:I was looking for free books on the iPod I used to have since I love to read and this popped up.

3)Have you ever been on What's Hot before?

Reply:NO, I kinda just joined.

4)Do you use the dedication button?

Reply:No, I barely know anyone.

5) What are your major goals " Wattpad wise" this year?

 Reply: Get more people to read my stories.

6)Does Wattpad create stress for you?

Reply: No. believe it or not but its actually a stress reliever.

7) What type of Point of View are your stories normally in?

Reply: Usually first but it switches the points of views most of the time.

8) How do you react to haters?

Reply: Sometimes I feel sad and it hurts my feelings. On the outside I laugh at them and sometimes I pray for them.

9) Do any of your friends read your work?

Reply: Only my really close friend Amanda

10) Do you type fast, or slow?

Reply: Fast, I took typing classes in second grade.

11) Do you have a little ( or big ) sister (or brother) that bugs you sometimes when your writing?

Reply: Yes all SIX of my brothers do.

12) What would you say if you woke up tomorrow and all of your stories were on #1-10 on the What's Hot list?

Reply: "Thank God"

13) Do you spend more time with friends or on Wattpad?

Reply: Friends

14) Do you wish to be a famous author one day?

Reply: That's been my wish since I was a wee babee.

15) Do you like the shuffle button?

Reply: Yes, though I wish the stories were seperated by language.

16) How lond are your chapters (lengthwise) normally?

Reply: Depends on the mood of the story, but they're typically long.

17) Which genre do you enjoy to write the most?

Reply: Romance, Humor, Fantasy...etcetra. I enjoy writing any genre, but mainly the one's I'm most comfortable with.

18) Do you get on Wattpad at school ( Or work?)

Reply: No, our school has a block.

19) What would you like to accomplish this year on Wattpad?

 Reply: Get more people to read my stories and be on the What's Hot thing.

20) What is your overal goal on Wattpad?

Reply: Be recognized.

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