Chapter 36

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I was long awake, but I didn't want to get up.

Watching Margaret sleep, made me feel like a sinner in front of a holy place. Even with the strong desire to touch her silky hair, I resisted. I didn't want to disturb her. Especially when she smiled in her slumber.

However, my device rang now and unfortunately, I had to get up and see who it is, waking her in the process.

„Alin, you have two hours until they come for you."

That immediately shook me to the core. A rude awakening was putting it mildly.

„My dues are paid."

With that, he disconnected the call.

„Margaret, get ready. We need to move, they will be here in 2 hours."

She didn't protest, and started dressing.

„Are we going to another property of yours?"

„Yes, for now."

„I don't think that is a good solution Ace."
„Yeah well, but its the best one we have at the moment."

„It will be only a matter of time until you drain all of your favors and resources. I have an idea, but you might not like it."

I turned to look at her.

„I am listening?"

„You said last night that you are afraid of being a nobody, but what if that can save you right now?"

I didn't stop her, waiting for further explanation.
„What become someone else. An unknown person? Would you agree to something like this?"

„Margaret, I have no idea what are you proposing."

„Look. I know a guy that can get you a new identity. I am not sure how long he will take, but... he is not really cheap."


„How will we live then? I would have no resources, no credits. I wont be able to do anything for a long time."

„At least you will be alive, and I am sure we will be able to manage until heat dies down. I will help you with disguise. Please consider it."

„No. I wont."

An annoyed look on her face spawned, probably because of my dismissal.

„Its not even because its my biggest fear, I would consider a sensible proposal, however, changing my identity would mean that I would be susceptible to the posting, and with no assets to that name, and no job, I wouldn't be able to live for long, especially, I would not be able to bring my plan to fruition. Sure I could take another job, but all of the corporations are highly connected among each other. It would be only a matter of time until I am caught."

„I understand you are afraid, and I am too. You can hate me for even mentioning this to you because it is your biggest fear which I am literally bringing to you, After all, this will not be forever, and before you know it, you will be back playing castle to help with butchering people at governments will."

So this is how she saw me?

„What did you just say?"

„Ace... you know what I mean,"

„You are literally mocking me right now. I don't think I deserve that."

„Ace, please calm down, I am sorry."

I wanted to hold back. I truly did.

„ I thought you would be understanding enough to me as I was to you, but clearly I was wrong, especially when you are far from a saint with you are doing actual butchering. "

But I couldn't.

Her lower lip thinned in spite.

„Do you really mean that?"

I wanted to say no, but my pride wouldn't let me.

„Being silent means you are agreeing."

She started packing up, and I wanted to stop her, but my body wouldn't move. My hands curled in tight fists, and my legs were heavy as bricks.

„Ace, do me a favor. Don't look for me, and forget about me. I hope you live well. Goodbye."

She got dressed in no-time, and closed the front door behind her with full force. 

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