Chapter 43

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I rushed towards the exit, only to realize that there were a group of people now. Ace had his arms behind him, possibly tied.

Jett stood in front of me, towering over me.

„Take her."

As if on reflex, I put my hands in a defensive position, waiting for the impact, which came all too quickly. I landed a punch into Annas' stomach, and she twisted in pain, then Nicolas came to jump me, I ducked and hit him in the groin.

Sez was approaching me now, Nicolas grasped my arms strongly.

„I would suggest you stop that if you still want him to live."
Fiberglass pressed against Ace's throat, and I could only bite the inner side of my cheek.

„What do you want?"

Inquisitive stares were pointed at me now, and Jet just sat on the bed that I was laying in. He crossed his legs and was a totally different person now.

„Does the name, Zephyr mean anything to you?"

I frowned really hard at that notion, deciding not to speak.

„I thought so. Well, it takes one to know one I suppose."
Now he was behind me, twisting his fingers inside of my hair.

„Don't fucking touch me."

Ignoring my protest, he raised my hair, exposing my nape.

„I can see that you haven't tattooed your nickname. Can I know why?"

I shared a look with Ace, knowing he was confused.

„Why would I?"
Jet smirked in a villainous grin.

„Well, I can see that you move quite skillfully, even though you are weakened, so it leads me to believe you must be one of the top assassins."

Then he rolled his sleeve, and there it was. "Zephyr" tattooed on it.

„Margaret?" Ace spoke sternly, reminding me of the first time I met him. It was as if he was asking what kind of weather are we having or, what kind of recipe did I use for dinner. Only I was able to see the small crease on his forehead giving him away. 

„Oh, what a coincidence. Your friend is an assassin as am I. How lovely to have you here."

A bystander could not tell a small move of eyes and eyebrows going wide, but still, he remained cool.

„Now, if this is acting I would have to make a standing ovation, but I wonder what a  SierraTechs top dog is doing in Adamo with an assassin?"

My lungs struggled to get air. We were trapped.

„You know, I was really happy that I saw you brother, but...I will not have you ruin everything I have achieved so far."

He turned around and slowly started to move toward Ace.

„Brother, do you have any idea how it felt to be left out to die? No! You don't." He was yelling now, pain in his voice.

„Do you know what it's like to beg for food? For life?"

Sez kicked Ace in the back of the knee, and he slumped to the ground.

„I worked so damn hard to try and rebuild myself, only to be chased to the sewers like some rat!"

He produced a gun from his pocket and pointed it at his forehead.

„Well, beg brother."

I felt that this was all my fault, I ruined whatever chance of bonding between the two brothers, and it looked like Ace will lose his life because of me. My brain was frying now trying to think of what to say, but then I saw his finger slowly pressing on the trigger.

„You are not my target. He is."

Relief went over me when he released the trigger and moved the gun closer to his chest. But then, I saw Aces' expression. As if telling me stop talking

„Oh, what a lovely surprise. Do you hear that Ace? Your friend is actually your future killer!"

He didn't put his gun away, but he merely rested it next to his thigh, in his hands.

„But.. how do I know it's true?"

„Are you a fan of Zephyr or something? Real Zephyr would know the bounty and the highest one that is on the boards recently. You will see that only one person is after the target. Or just take my device out of the pocket."

I knew that hiding the device from Ace was wrong because he said that we should throw it away, but at this moment, I wasn't sure if I should be happy or sad that I kept it. Or worse, I forgot to cancel the mission, and I would have dealt with the penalty somehow. 

„Anne told me that the network here cannot be connected, but you should be able to see it offline."

He gave the order to Nicolas to retrieve it and he did. Also, he took it and opened it, and there it was. Hologram screen with the numbers, targets name, and everything relevant to it.

Then he started laughing so hard as if I said a joke of the century.

„Well, I suppose I would have to keep my oath, in not taking fellow assassins' targets, but why did you even end up here?"

„I led him there to isolate him, obviously. Too bad your lackeys got in a way of my mission and cost me my credits."
I hoped that Ace knew where I was going with this. If he didn't, all the trust he had in me would be gone, but I only hoped that doing this would secure him to live.

„Oh, you are pretty high on the list! That is not half bad  Margaret, truly." He turned to his crew. „Well, I will not interrupt your mission any longer. I will give you until dawn to finish your mission."

„Too bad brother. I really did miss you."

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