Chapter 38

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So weightless.

I am swinging in the park, laughing under the big oak tree.

It's spring, and cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The nearby river has put on jewelry as well-it borrowed the petals for chrystals and the sun rays for a golden necklace.

„Can I swing too?" A girl approached me. Her yellow dress was ripped, and her face was brown from the dirt. Her brown hair was put up in a messy ponytail,

„No, this is my swing. Go find your own." I protested.

„Come on! I have been waiting for thirty minutes, and you are still swinging. I don't see your name on it!"

I ignored her and stuck out my tongue in defiance.

„Well, I bet you can't do a trick that I can do!" She provoked.

„You mean the one where you jump from the swing at its highest point? Pffft piece of cake."

„Let me see then. But if you can't, I will swing for another month on that swing, and you will not be able to approach it !"

„I will show you."

I reclined back, then inclined forward, and did that several times to gain momentum.

When the moment of the jump came, and I have let go, the hands of my brother formed, full grown, and grabbing me by my legs.

„What are you doing?"

Looking at the face of my brother, he was happy with what he just did.
I am falling, losing my balance, but somehow, Margaret catches me.

Woken up, in a cold sweat, I found myself surrounded by brick walls. I try to prop myself up, but sharp pain shoots through my chest, putting my hand over it in hopes to soothe it.

„Don't move. You will rip the stitches." Margaret spoke coldly.

I look to find the source of her voice, and it led me to her sitting on the side of the bed mildly hunched. Margaret looked gaunt, but even at the apparent look of her exhaustion, she looked reserved and nervous at the same time. 

„Thank you Father, he has regained consciousness."

He just nodded, then left us, closing the doors behind her. 

„Where are we?"

„We are in the basement of a church." She responded dryly.

„I don't remember coming here."

„You were unconscious. Of course, you don't."

„ did I? How did you...."

She couldn't have...Could she?

„ I will leave you to rest. We should be safe here for a bit."

She moved towards the mahogany doors, a dark cloud above her.

„Thank you, Margaret- For saving me."

She didn't respond to that, but she just left so fast that I couldn't even ask her to stay. Hours have gone by, and the same Father came to me holding a tray with a bowl and bread.

„You have to eat. Please take some soup."

„Thank you—where is Margaret?"

„She is in front of the doors. She never left your side, and you were sleeping for 2 days."

My heart clenched at those words. I was asleep for two whole days, and for the first time, I dreamt. And something inside me warmed up when I realized that she must be exhausted looking after me.

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