Chapter 83

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I realized just how similar Ace and I were in the face of vulnerability. 

Even though the stakes in his world are on a different scale than mine, we are both afraid one will abandon the other in the face of weakness. For that reason, I decided that I will do what I promised. I will keep believing in him.

I knew exactly why I will; all it takes is a single person to do so.  Something in me told me this was an ultimate fact. 

Maybe the feeling of love isn't enough on its own rather, love is a conscious decision that we make and act upon it over and over, and that is okay.

I truly hope that Ace will be able to abandon the selfish part of himself and if I will ever get the chance to reconcile with my daughter.

Exhausted, sleep almost came to me, until I heard my doors break down. I jumped, and at least 4 dark figures stormed inside my room, overwhelming me, after which they put a cloth over my mouth.

Darkness was what shortly followed. 


I got rudely awakened by cold water being splashed on my face.

Gasping, my eyes focusing on whatever space I am in, I struggled. I felt that my hands were tied and obviously, no daggers.

"Hello there little bird. Are you awake? "

A silhouette of a man that I never saw before appeared at the entrance, but I did recognize the figure next to him.


I concluded that this must be the vice president, but I decided to play dumb.

"Who are you? "

"That doesn't matter, at all. What does matter is who you are. "

I furrowed my brow at that.

"Can you please stop with whatever riddle you are about to sprout, and tell me what you are here for? "

He smiled at the floor, then looked at me and started slowly pacing in front of me.

"It wasn't a riddle. I know very well how close you are to my friend Ace. "

"What does Ace have to do with me? "

"It seems that he got cold feet on something that we agreed on, and I will not allow him to make this all fall apart. So I have a proposition for you. "

One of the guards pushed Maryam in front of me to the floor, and if only I had my daggers, I would break free to hold her.

He held out a familiar dagger-Puella Mortis.

"You will make Ace continue with our project, or your Maryam will be lost to eternity. Simple as that. "

"What kind of project? What are you even talking about? "

"I will tell you if you accept. "

Maryam looked at me with a sodden stare, she shook her head no, as if to say that whatever Ace was working on, it would not be worth saving her.

"My daughter is important to me, but where you are wrong is I will not be making deals that I have no idea about. You will tell me what you want, because I have a feeling that your men are disposable to you as if they were paper cups, and what Ace is working on seems like a pretty big deal to you, so much so that you are so desperate to cling onto me. "

He smirked at that, old fart.

"You are quite smart for a whore that you are Margaret I will give you that. "

Back then, maybe those words would sting. Back then maybe I would have cried and fallen apart at them.

But, I realized I have forgiven myself. He had no power over me with hateful words.

"Fine. "

He took another chair that I didn't even know was there, and pulled it in front of me, with Maryam still on the floor.

"Your dear Ace is in charge of obtaining test subjects for a project that he agreed to, with quite a big check that was delivered to him as promised. Ace didn't deliver on that deal, "

"Test subjects? "

"Kids. " He clarified.

Internally, it felt like being struck with a bolt of lightning. Externally, I didn't allow the emotions to show.

"But I am sure that we can nudge him again on the right path, he just needs a little push. "

"And how do you suppose I should do that? "

"I am sure that you can figure it out with your plethora of seduction techniques. After all, going to bed with men is your specialty, isn't it? "

"You seem pretty obsessed with whores vice-president. Not that lucky with the ladies huh? "

A vein of anger popped on his forehead.

"So you do know who I am. "

"Yes. And it seems that you are obvious proof that status is not enough to get laid. "

He slapped me across the face hard, so much so that my nose started bleeding.

"It would be wise if you gave me an answer to what I told you about, rather than running your petty mouth. "

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