Chapter 52

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Relentless guilt was shredding my soul.

I couldn't help but feel responsible for everything Margaret went through.

Since meeting her, I knew that part of her suffering was my fault, but, and this brings me shame, I never really register it quite as I did now. I didn't really grasp how much of an effect Lilith had on her, how it practically shaped her.

How I ...shaped her.

Once again, we were in the hotel room, curled up next to each other after spending another night of passion. She was a real woman through and through, as there was no restrain in her showing her desire for me. But because of what she said to me that she will go away, I felt that she could slip away at any point. Laying in her nightdress, she shifted towards me her face still warm from the orgasm. 

"Hey, Ace. "

"Yes, Margaret? "

She laughs at her own thought. 

"You might think I am crazy or this might sound stupid, but I am grateful for my cowardice. I wouldn't be laying with you now if it weren't for that part of me."

I push her hair behind her ear, chucking at her confession.

"Yeah, I am grateful too, Margaret. "

After spending time in our room, whispering sweet nothings to each other, we finally got dressed, but Margaret's face was not as carefree as she lead on. In fact, when she thought that I wasn't looking, her expression shifted to a somber one. 

Giving me a silent look of something troubling her. 

"You may not believe me what I have to say, but...the thing is..."

A knock on the door, surprised us both, making us shift a bit.

"Hey, it's me. " Jett spoke.

As the doors opened, and next to Jett stood another figure, whose appearance shook us both to the core.

"Alin? "

I forgot to breathe, but I didn't want to stop hugging Margaret, instead, I took her hand.

"Hello, son. "

We both stood up, almost in a fighting stance. The atmosphere was so tense, it felt like all of the oxygen was left out. Margaret reached out for her daggers, but she was interrupted by another shadow.

"Maryam. "

Her daughter smiled menacingly.

"Hello, sister. "

What the hell is happening?

This was a coup.

"Jett...can you explain what's happening? "

I was searching for answers, but he couldn't even face me, instead, Alin patted him on the shoulder and continued to speak.

"He doesn't need to. I will. "

Complete darkness enveloped my being.

"How could you! " I screamed at my brother's betrayal.

"I am sorry Ace. "

" That's all you can say? After all these years? "

"Why are you surprised, Ace? I knew very well where Jett was, as I am the mayor of this city. "

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