Chapter 49

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We sat and waited for Jett, and he was still at the scene, speaking to the citizens.

„Jett, we need to talk. Now."

His attention shoots towards me, and his crew as well.

„Not here." He caught me by my arm, and before we moved an inch, his hand was grasped by Aces.

„Hands to yourself, brother."

If we weren't in such a treacherous situation, I would have found his show of protectiveness heartwarming. Jett looked in surprise for a second at him and moved past us and we followed him.

„It seems that you are blissfully unaware that your citizens have made up a religion now, which might cause trouble for you if you want Adamo to stay unexposed." 

„A religion?"

„My point is proven, and I assume that you might wanna investigate that too. Anyways, how are we progressing on the search for Cobra?"I asked.

„What does that have anything to do with this?"

„Well, it seems that the situation in Adamo has deteriorated, and it is forcing us to set the plan in further motion. I need you to investigate something as well."

I pulled the Maryems knife out of my boot, and I didn't want to use it on the people before, because, in a sense, it was precious to me. Something, the only thing that I had now that she was older, but also, the same weapon that could have ended Ace's life, so a simple object held my contemplation. It was an object that reminded me that she is alive.

„I got this a couple of days back, I need you to tell me what kind of dagger it is."

Jett's eyes widened, and he backed away from it.

„I don't need investigating, I will tell you exactly what it is."

He swallowed, but he was clearly intent on not letting his fear show.

„Its an item called Puella Mortis. The legend says that the crystal was clear at the beginning, but, with each drop of blood it absorbed, it eventually turned into the bloodstone crystal you see now."

I didn't know that this item was a thing of legend.
„How does it work?" Ace asked.

He cleared his throat and resumed. „It only does what it's supposed to do if the person's will is brought down, but without it, it serves a purpose of a normal dagger. Otherwise, it—literally destroys the soul of the person, and the person's essence."

„But what's the point? If the person is dead, it should be the end of it, why go to such an extent?"

„I don't know," Jett answered. „But moving from this topic, I would like to thank you both for your—assistance, and to answer you, regarding Cobra, I have his appropriate location, but I have no idea what he looks like, you will have to find that out yourself." He gave us a paper with the appropriate location. „ I didn't have more time."

„You are welcome, Jett." I said, grabbing the paper from his hands.

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