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Cheyann's POV

"All now me can't believe say a really Ackeem you deh with" Kim squealed with joy.

From we wake that's all she deh pon. I'm happy it turned out that they are actually cousins because if it was something else.

Something like a fuck them a fuck.

I don't know what woulda happened. It would definitely put us in a awkward position.

Small world huh? Cousins? Who would have thought.

"I don't know why you a behave so" I rolled over in the bed to grab another advil. My head is still pounding from last night.

Remember the other pounding weh you get?

Yes me remember.

The soreness between my legs were proof of that. The night replayed in my mind, his stiff cock entering my pussy with such need it was almost unbearable. My hands tied behind my back, unable to touch him, unable to squirm as he-

"Yah listen to me?"


"Weh you say?" I returned my focus to her, while drinking a bottle of water.

"I was saying. Sometimes people do things weh them nuh necessarily want do but them have fi do it.  Ackeem grow different than we, him mighta do some things in life weh you nah go agree with but a good yute and him will treat you good" she repeated.

"Weh yah talk bout Kim?" I asked, feeling confused by the tone she's using.

How this even come up?

"Just a tell you girl" She laughed it off.


Her words replayed in my head. Grow different from we? Nuh one rich family him come from...What kind of things that I might not agree with? Ackeem is such a mystery, it makes me feel like I don't know him.

Well I don't know everything about him but only time will reveal everything. It's not like him a some undercover spy or serial killer.

"Ok" I shrugged.

I am not in the mood to dig deeper into this conversation.

My head wasn't hurting as much as I thought it would. I guess I was fucked to sobriety. Even with that, Kim was still better off than me, and I'm pretty sure she drank more than me.

"After you done get fuck last night me think you woulda disappear with Ackeem enuh"

"But Jesus! A when me tell you say me go fuck Kim?" I laughed.

"Freshly fucked was written on your face when you come back. All your belt did missing" she said, laughing at my now state of shock.

Me never put on back me belt?

"Shut up man" I shoved her "Him did go deal with some kinda money issue so I just decided to come back with you. Never too want disturb him cause it did sound kinda serious. Him a come for me later though"

"Mmm" she hummed, looking deep in thought.

I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Pinky's number. I haven't heard from her since I asked if she's coming with us last night, which she declined. That's unlike her to pass on an opportunity to party.

Ackeem's POV

"So yah steal from me?" I laughed sinisterly.

If ratty did still deh here, I wouldn't be having this problem. Can't get one loyal soldier fi hangle me fucking money?

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