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Cheyann's POV

"Alright Cheyann! See you Monday if you nuh too fuck out" Kim said, loud enough for biggs to hear.

She and her damn mouth want stitch together.

I glanced at him, but there was no reaction. Maybe him nuh hear. Thank god.


Ackeem asked him to pick me up, I guess he's too busy to come get me himself.

But why send the security from the club though?

"Lata goodie" Pinky said and they both entered her car and drove off. Leaving me with just biggs.

He took my bag, threw it in the backseat of the car and opened the front door for me. I tried to hide my look of surprise, fi a boy weh look so rough, he's actually a gentleman.

"Thank you" I said and sat down.

All throughout the journey, the car remained silent. It wasn't awkward, not at all, we were just in our own little worlds.

I looked around the neighborhood we just entered. It's obvious I wouldn't be able to live here even if I sold my kidney.

A America ova ya so?

How rich was his dad? Who was he really? A politician?

"You good?" Biggs finally broke the silence.

"Yea...can you tell me about Ackeem's family?" I asked.

"Wah?" He glanced over at me.

"Ackeem's Dad. Was he a politician?" My curiosity was to the roof. I know I should be asking Ackeem this question, and I had planned to, but I want more than his one answer response to my questions.

"Ask him" Was all biggs said.

I sighed.

I was really hoping to get more out of him.

Weh you think you woulda get outa that?

You shoulda just wait and ask your man that my girl.

I guess.

We pulled up to a grey theme house, almost capturing Ackeem's personality beautifully. Before the gates were opened, there was a security check. The guard looked at us and around the car, before stepping back then opening the gates fully.

"Ah" Biggs said and drove in.

Ackeem was at the doorway, dressed in baggy shorts and a simple white shirt. I felt myself getting giddy with excitement.

Wow, this is starting to feel deeper than just a simple 'like'. Because, why do I feel like a child getting her favorite candy right now. Without a second thought, I pulled the door and walked towards him.

Even with the weeks that have passed, he still makes me extremely nervous. Is that normal? I never felt like this before, especially fi a man...and them so embarrassing.


So a wah this.

"Hi" I heard myself say.

He pulled me closer and squeezed my ass as a form of greeting. The sickening giggle that escaped my lips almost made me sick. Could this really be what I think it is?

Way too fucking soon Cheyann, way too soon.

He took my bag from Biggs and in return, he gave him a thick envelop I didn't realize he was holding.

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