7 - new recruits

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chapter song - the A team (ed sheeran)

At this point in time (about an hour or so later) we've completely lost Steve, Sam, and Bucky and Secretary of State is on our asses about it.

"And I don't suppose you have any idea where they are." Ross said.

"We will. GSG-9's got the borders covered. Recons flying 24/7. They'll get a hit. We'll handle it." Tony said.

"You don't get it, Stark. It's not yours to handle. It's clearly you can't be objective. I'm putting special ops on this."

"And what happens when the shooting starts, let them kill Steve Rogers?" Natasha asks. I know she had a thing for Bruce last year but I think her eyes are on someone else. (A/N: any romanogers slander? no one? good)

"If we are provoked. Barnes would have been eliminate in Romania if it wasn't for Rogers. There are dead people who would be alive now. Feel free to check my math." Ross said.

"All due respect, you're not going to solve this with boys in bullet vest. You got to let us bring him in." Tony says.

"And how will that end any differently from the last time?" Ross asks.

"Because this time I won't be wearing Loafers and a silk suit. 72 hours, guaranteed."

"36 hours. Barnes. Rogers. Wilson." Ross says as he walks away.

"Thank you, sir." Tony said. "My left arm is numb, is that normal?"

"You alright?" Natasha asks.

"I'm good. I haven't talked to my boyfriend or best friend in like 3 weeks but other than that I'm perfect." I say.

"What about you, Tony?" Nat asks.

"Always. 36 hours, jeez." He replies.

"We're seriously understaffed." Nat says.

"Oh, yeah. It would be great if we have a hulk, right about now. Any shot?"

"No. You really think he'd be on our side?"

"I know."

"I have an idea."

"Me too. Where's yours?" I say.

"Downstairs. Where's yours?" Nat asks.

"Queens, I think." I said. "Have you seen that spider kid on YouTube at all?"


We get up to the Parker Residence and knock on the door and his aunt shows up to the door.

"I'm looking for Peter Parker, this is my assistant." Tony says, and points to me, and I give him a look.

We sit down and wait for Peter. A few minutes later the door opens, then shuts.

"Hey, Aunt May." Peter says.

"Hey. How was school today?" She asks.

"Okay. This crazy car parked outside..."

"Oh, Mr. Parker." Tony says.

"Umm. What. What are you doing...? Hey. I'm-I'm-I'm Peter." Peter stutters.


"What are... What are you-What are you- What are you doing here?"

"It's about time we met. You've been getting my e-mails, right? Right?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Regarding the..."

"You didn't tell me about the grant." May chimes in.

"About the grant."

"The September Foundation." Tony says.

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