13 - meet the parents

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chapter song - the boys are back in town (thin lizzy)

We're in the helicopter that Rick got us and we fly over the prison that's housing Alexei, Natasha and Yelena's 'father'.

"Today is your lucky day, Alexei." Natasha says into the comms. "Move to the door on the south wall." Nat watches the tracker as it moves through the prison. "Go left." he moves left. "Just don't make a scene." we hear clamoring and grunting through the earpiece. "You made a scene, didn't you?"

"What now?" he asks.

"We're gettin' you outta here." I say.

"Go to the upper level." Nat says, as we watch him go through the outside, getting closer and closer to the helicopter. "Move your ass, super solider."

Alexei goes up but is confronted with a bunch of guards. "He's never going to make it." I say.

"Get me closer." Nat says, Yelena gives her a look.

"You got a better idea?" she asks.

She then opens up the back of the helicopter and jumps out hooked to a wire, and, of course, lands with a pose.

"Such a poser." Me and Yelena say, in sync.

Yelena accidentally gets distracted and the helicopter leans to far over.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Natasha yells up.


"Sorry, Nat!" I yell down.

"What are you doing? Are you kidding me? Back up!"

"We're both doing a really good job!" Yelena says, giving Nat a thumbs up.

People then start shooting at us from the prison watch-towers.

"Okay. Enough of this." I take off my headphones as Yelena keeps the helicopter steady. I grab the literal rocket launcher that was lodged in the back of the helicopter and line up with one of the towers, taking it out.

"Ha!" Yelena says, as she watches it fire off.

I, then, sit back down and put on my headphones. I hear a distant rumbling in the background of the spinning propellers. After I lit up that tower, snow starts to fall into nan avalanche.

"Whoa," I say.

"This would be a cool way to die." Yelena says. The rumbling continues.

"Tell me that's a good sign for us!" Alexei yells.

"Move your ass!" Nat says, she then hops onto the rope connected to the helicopter, "Get us outta here!"

"Wait!" Alexei yells, Nat swings a little bit, then grabs him and I bring them up on the rope, as Yelena struggles to control the rusty helicopter.

"I need some help up here!" Yelena says. I move up the cockpit and help her out. Nat puts back on the headphones sitting on the seat behind Yelena, turning it so it faces forward.

"До свидания, мудаки! (Goodbye, douchebags!)" Alexei yells down, almost hanging out of the helicopter. "Oh, that was exciting. Oh, I'm so proud of you girls." None of us can hear him, and if we can were choosing not to. "Oh, you can't hear me, huh?" he says louder, and chuckles. I start to get annoyed with him, so I punch him in the face, he deserves it. "Okay. Why the aggression, huh? Is it your time of the month?"

"I don't get my period, dipshit. I don't have a uterus." I say.

"Or ovaries." Nat says.

"Yeah. That's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy." Yelena says. "They kind of just go in and they rip out all of your reproductive organs. They just get right in there and they chop them all away. Everything out, so you can't have babies."

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