Chapter 13:Letter

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Kagaya POV

"Oyakata-sama there a hawk on the window with paper on their feet" said Kiriya.

"Pls read" i said, i was on my futon laying since my body is deteriorating.

"At once" i can hear my son footsteps and the rustle of paper.

"Hello, I am Sasuke Uchiha you meet me on the last hashira meeting and the cousin of Giyuu Tomioka cant work right now his very ill, that's what the letter has written on the paper father" Kiriya said.

Huh a cousin from what i known Giyuu family died from demom attack.

"Kiriya can you send Giyuu cousin a letter i want him and his fiancee to visit here, i want to have a conversation with them"

"Of course father"

Next Day

Naruko POV

I checked Giyuu health and still sick but his fighting the poison.

"Sasuke!" i yelled to my fiance whos still sleeping.

"Wake up!" i slapped him hard.

He jolted and turn around and glared.

"Why you have to that?!" he said.

I grinned at him.

"Because you wont wake up, im hungry cook me something" i complained.

He sigh and stood up and went to the kitchen to make porridge for Giyuu-san and a vegetable sandwich for him.

"What do you want?" he asked.
I thought for a second.

"Same as yours but with eggs" i said i dont reaply like vegetables since im engaged to Sasuke i gotten to eat vegetables, he made them so appetizing.

He immediately cooked the eggs and prepared another vegetable sandwich with the that he cooked.

He plated the sandwiches and the porridge and handed it to me.

"Give the porridge to giyuu and alsp eat the sandwiche" with that he walked away.

That asshole i puffed my cheeks in annoyance and and stuffed my mouth with sandwiches.

Went to give Giyuu porridge.

Sasuke POV

I was about to head out when a crow landed ont he the door with a letter on its feet. I kneeled down and raised an arm towards for the crow to perch and grab the letter.

I started reading the letter and it was an invitation letter for me and Naruko.



"were invited by Ubuyashiki family to have dinner with them"

"thank the sage beard i brought a kimono" she commented.

I just hope it went smoothly.

Im sorry, I haven't updated this chapter as you can see i procrastinated and other real life problems but mostly procrastination.

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