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Felix Pov
"For the last time I can't eat this I'm on a keto diet!!" I pushed the plate of pasta away with such force it slid past the edge of the table and dropped onto the floor with an audible clank.

For goodness sake Chan is this your way on getting revenge on me for killing off your comrades?

If one hadn't known any better they would think this is a conversation reserved for when a dad is forcing his picky son to eat.

"You need to eat please for the love of god I made too much and can't finish" Bangchan groaned, rubbing his washboard abs like he just finished a 10 course meal.

"*Sigh* fine I guess a little won't hurt" I said salvaging as much of the pasta as I can.

but his eyes tell a different story as they were burning ambers , something behind it fanning the flames of fury and fustration.

Hey! don't judge the 5 second rule exists does exist doesn't it?

Any plans of me scruffing it down the trash was thrown into it instead as I hungrily devoured it in a matter of minutes.

So much for trying to be classy....

"Hahahaha, you looke like you've eaten a horde of zomb- oww!"

"Serves you right for comparing me to thsoe low lives now give me back my Jimmy Choos they cost more than your body's worth" I teased, snatching back my slippers.

Oh hail the mighty chankla.

" Of course..of course, Jesus I can't wait have a taste of your sweet sweet flesh.."he mumbled under his breath.

My eyebrows shot up, my fave turned to stone.

" The actual fuck did you just say??! do you have a death wish?" My voice lowered to a dangerous level.

"I-I meant cheese and rice I can't wait to taste em' hehe?" He scratched the nape of his neck awkwardly, his eyes glued to the cracked cement below, fidgeting nervously with the hem of his ripped shirt.

"Whatever, it's not like I can't stop you if you're foolish enough to try something" A satisfied smile spread across my face as I witnessed the effect I had on him.

He gave me a longing look and crossed his arms across his chest, a thoughtful pause filling the space between us.

"I would bring you to this nice restaurant but you're probably too full..."

"Wait! why not we just prepare dinner!" I suggested, then cupped my mouth at the sudden realisation at the horrors that escaped my mouth.

Be cool, be cool, you're supposed to be cold and reserved you dummy!

Plus why do I even want to spend time with this monster who probably killed my family for all I know.

"All right! it's a date then"Bangchan sang joyfully, his cheeks dimpling.

God those dimples will be the death of me!

Wait what!!? no no! what I meant is that they're ridiculous pfft..

We walked there in silence, not like we had a choice really since zombies have supernatural hearing.

Plus more fights equals to more stained clothing and I'm sick of having to wait for 80% of my wardrobe to dry.

At last we made it to the restaurant without incident.

What could have once been a lovely rose bush was now a hostile thorn bush.

the bench where couples  used to spend moments of joy and make precious memories  were now creaking in the most haunted way...

I walked towards the entrance door.

From there, the whole structure appeared to be monstruously massive

. I truly thought the feeling of inferiority would cease when I entered the building.

It did not.

The moment I walked inside was the moment I puked into my backpack.

Mice and roaches were feasting on the bloodstained furniture and wallpaper, leaving behind trail after trail of droppings.

If I thought I had it bad I should reconsider as Bangchan didn't seem to be taking it any better.

His glassy eyes became glossy with tears and his lips began to quiver.

"U-Um cha-"

"sshhh... it's alright I'm fine.. it's just that*sigh*" he looked down on the loose floodboards, a faraway look in his eyes.

"I used to work here, wether you believe it or not this junkyard used to be a michelin star restaurant "He took a pause to blow into a handkerchief.

"My father.. he was a great man, a hardworking man, he built this place from scratch... made a name for it and now.."he took another dramatic pause

"Look at it, all his blood sweat and tears.. all my childhood memories along with all signs of life had been wiped clean" he blinked rapidly, letting a few tears to roll down his cheeks.

Without warning I turned towards him with outstretched arms and buried his face within ny chest.

He gave a surprised jolt but later relaxed under the weight of my arms.

"Chan, I know we've just met and I don't know much about you, but I want you to know you're not alone.. I'm here"

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