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Bangchan pov
"...and that kids is how I met your dad"

I've been saying the same 5000 words for the past hour those words are starting to leave an unsavoury taste in my mouth.

Felix why must your beauty drag me into this pile of poo?!

"How much do you love daddy??"

"When are we going to have siblings!!"

"Must you eat a baby to be pregnant!??"

Like a machine gun question after question was fired at us mercilessly.

Felix laid on my shoulder in "exhaustion" and nestled in between the crook of my neck.

As if my insides aren't already melted into gooey mess he send a flirtatious wink my way.

It's official! I'm currently happiest life sized teddy in the word!!

And also is it okay for a full grown adult to squeal like a teenage girl watching skz thirst traps? (I see you sussy bakas 😏😏)

"U-Uh kids daddy's sleepy now so could you guys maybe leave us for a second?" I pleaded.

To my utmost relief the kids scrambled to the bedroom.

"Ay Jeongin-yah if we stay here long enough maybe you'll get to see how babies are made!" Hyunjin whispered not-so discreetly.

"There's a baby in the fridge?" Jeongin stared at his brother with child like curiosity.

*sigh* how can a human be so ruthless yet so precious..

"Now kids, if you don't go to sleep I may just eat you"

Hearing that the kids dissapeared behind the bedroom door in fits of laughter.

But soon enough the laughter was soon replaced with loud snores which filled the apartment.

Hearing his cue Felix's eyelids fluttered opened.

And for a few rather awkward moment we just sat there, our bodies wrapped around eachother.

My eyes traced each and every delicate feature of his that never fails to give me butterflies.

Tracing each and every freckle scattered all over his skin like stars in the universe.

Even with all the stars in that same universe his smile will rival every one of them.

"*Cough* um.. I reckon we can stop pretendin' ta be a lovey dovey couple now.. the bloody kids ahah fahkin' asleep"

His words were  buckets of icy water splashing in my face, breaking me out of my trance like state.

"Y-yea I j-just was ....Urhhh daydreaming cause I was tired" I reluctantly pryed myself away from his warm embrace.

But I just manage to get two steps away from him when I'm pulled back onto the ground.

His limbs wrapped around me like I'm the only thing that ever mattered to him.

Please please lord tell me he's being serious...

" no, let's stay liyyke this" he whispered into my ear flirtatiously.

Aren't I supposed to be the one who makes the moves?

Why am I here being a pathetic tomato?

Suddenly he cupped my face and closed in the non existent gap between us.

"Don't get the wrong idea you perv, I can't sleep without hugging something!"

Ah, of course my happiness won't be long lived! Stupid me should've seen this coming.

Felix cupping your face and whispering sweet nothings into your ears?

Snuggling like this after a "wrestling match"?

Ha!! he'll do that when crayons make dogs poo rainbows.

Shoving the harsh reality to the incinerator where it'll burn in hell I plowed my hands through his soft hair, truly savouring the fruity scent of his shampoo.

And for once in a long while I finally drifted off without anything weighing me down.

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