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Felix Pov

A crease formed between my brows as my eyes scanned the empty shelf of the fridge,

in search for a bread crumb or a missing piece of chocolate, as if that will settle lunch.

"Oh what kind of dillema has be fallen thy lord" My beloved said in an overly dramatic tone as he stepped into the pantry.

What a way to announce your presence..

or drive your husban- I MEAN boyfriend up the wall.

"Our rations run dry, oh woe is me as the clasp of deaths tightened around the empty void ... devoid of food"

How is that? am I in the ball park?

"Ok! ok you win" Chan held up his hands to forfeit the reward which awaits him by winning.

A good old spanking from me.

"But seriously though, I really think we should stock up, perhaps the kids could come along "

he suggested, his gaze examining mine, search of any sign of my disapproval.

Someone's finally learnt the wrath of my displeasure I see.

You've learnt well my young pandawan.

(* insert yoda voice*)things many to teach, punishments many to experience..

"Well I suppose you could but!" his tail dropped as the end of the sentence.

"We must have some... alont time" you better not make me say those disgusting three words.

Being the mind reader he is of course he'll junp at an opportunity to piss me off further and drive me off the edge of insanity.

Afterall isn't that what a good husband does?

"Is it because you looove me?" He asked, wriggling his brows suggestively

"First of all, I just... miss you AND secondly I TOLERATE you" Extra emphasis on thw word "tolerate" you better take what you can hubby.

"Alright alright sheesh no need to be such an arse again..I just wanted to hear it from you."He said walking away.

Until he made an abrupt turn and pinned me to the wall, completely catching me off guard.

"I'll kiss you until I hear those words" he whispered in that sexier than ever raspy voice of his.

With that being said he captured my lips, not forgetting to nibble on my bottom lip

cause apparently that's what pushes me off the edge and fuck him.

"b-babe nngh the *gasp* kids* " I said within kisses but was silenced once more with a round 2 of a steamy make out sesh.

"I won't stop until you say you love me"

he repeated as his hands wondered up my shirt and settled in top of my chest.

Our eyes met for a brief second before Chan continued kissing me.

And that was that one tiny spark to light up the flame within.

I hurriedly ripped his clothes off and kissed down his ripped abs.

Not stopping once, I continued to pepper his abdomen with kisses while my hand worked it's magic.

Our bodies at this point were a tangled mess as we explored eachother.

I arched my back and let out a deep moan at the sudden contact with his icy skin.

I nodded entangling his dark hair between my finger tips as he entered me.

Feeling his length slowly entering me, tears stung my eyes

I threw my head back and bit my lip in a mixture of pain and pleasure as I could feel
the entirety of his length.

"Honey? are you okay??"

"Ah~ how can something feel this good"

A soft moan escaped my mouth.

His finger slid across my cheek cutting off the stream of tears.

He connected our lips in an effort to reduce the increasing volume of my moans in an effort to not wake the kids.

After a few minutes of adjusting to his length he began to pound his manhood against me mercilessly.

The pain earlier was reduced to atoms, in place of it was orgasmic pleasure.

Bangchan was a moaning mess too after finally getting the opportunity to release months worh of pent up sexual fustration.

The both of us colapse beside one another in exhaustion and euphoria.

Hearts still recovering from the most intense 'cardio' in its life.

Ik, believe it or not a catch like me is single..well was single and a virgin.

"I love you, so fucking much you dumb mf"
I whispered breathlessly into Chan's ears.

Not an ounce of energy left in us we shuffled closer to one another, limbs coiled around one another.

Suddenly the familiar voice of Hyunjin sounded from behind.

"See Jeongin, that's how babies are made and what dad does when we're asleep" An amused Hyunjin said to a wide eyed Jeongin.

Aren't kids lovely?

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