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Bangchan pov
Felix could look at me with those big doe eyes of his in pretense of being interested as I droned on and on about the dishes I'll make with the gathered rasions.

"And instead of russet potatoes I'm gonna use some sweet potatoes for some much needed sweetness"

But surprise surprise even with half of my brain I can see through you Lixie babe.

But I won't do anything about it as I know you're subjecting yourself to this torture in the name of love.

Even with my lover's lack of enthusiasm I still had a grin I couldn't be wiped off while thinking of the joy tonight's dinner will bring.

With a light tug the big juicy tomato fell from the stem and onto the moist earth below with a light thud.

"You seem to be very passionate about cooking, how did you come to loving it?" Felix asked, this time his curiosity genuine.

Only god knows about the chain reaction his simple question had caused.

My mind was completely disconnected for a few moments, my figure remained stiffer than a board as the rush of memories paralyzed me in pure terror.

Images of her corpse, the sirens.. the tears..

I was reliving the memories again, my mind was transported back into that dark period of time I had buried in a place so deep down I almost forgotten about it.

I tried to string the jumble of words bouncing around in my head but when each sentence was at the tip of my tongue it died.

"I-I.." a stuttery croak was all I could manage.

"Are you ok honey?"

His words were like a lit match to a puddle of gasoline.

The fortified walls I built over the years came crumbling down, opening the floodgates.

Felix wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest, a single word not uttered.

Not that it was needed, his love was the healing potion I needed all along.

Healing one wound at a time as the days we spent together streched until none was left.

After my sobs stiffled I drew in a breath of the earthy airI began my tale.

"All my recipes belonged to my grandma, whom I indirectly murdered..."

Tears choked up my throat but I swallowed and continued.

"I was a bully and a thief until one day my crimes were reported"

I pressed my chin against my chest, wanting to dissapear, wanting the earth to swallow me.

"Being the loving grandparent she is she took the blame and 3 months after her arreste she got killed in prison" I concluded my story with an extra loud sob.

As painful as it is to tell my tale the boulders on my chest lightened significantly.

We spent a great amount of time in eachother's arms, lying on the bed of soft substrate.

Even when Felix's favourite jacket is now caked with dirt he never once left my side to clean it even for a short second.

He stared at me like I'm all that's left in his life, he stared at me like I'm his whole universe.

Apparently we got carried away and lost sight of the boys.

The boy's absence was made apparent when we made 10 rounds around the vegetable patch.

But alas we finally found them but in the hands of a familiar looking man, which I hoped to  never meet in my life..

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