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Felix Pov

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the fleeting colors of dusk began to fade away.

The charcoal-black rocks circled around small pools of water, shimmering confidently before dark fell upon them.

My hair danced against the crisp chilly autumn air, the air even tasted sweet?

There wasn't anything I could truly describe this feeling, perhaps it's lov-

Euuugh not that cringey ass L word, I will not he caught dead saying that disgusting word.

"Lix! hurry up!! don't tell me that sweet big ass of yours is weighing you down"

Aissh this child (=_=)

I swear he annoys me so much I can write an essay about it.

Oh wait! I've got one.

Roses are red violets are blue, God made me pretty, what happened to you?

"I swear I'd slap you, but that would be animal abuse." Roasted!

Much to unamusement he doubled over in laughter.

"Hahaha good one Lix babe! I see you've learnt from the best" He gave me a pat or rather a slap on the back.

But before I was aware of what I was doing my eyes dissapeared into half moons as my lips pulled back into a smile.

A genuine smile.

A I'm fucking in love with you smile..

Haha I was totally kidding of course, I hate him so much I wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire.

"Urhh Lix darling are you finally back from lala land? we're here?"

Oh fuck my feelings, he was definitely being sarcastic.

Whyy must god curse me with feelings?

The moment I broke free from my trance like state I immediately.....

I'm sorry I was left on speechless.

The vibrant display of flowers covered the ground.

Bold purple, soft pink and light lavender flowers sat right in front of me.

The sweet smell of blossomed flowers filled the air.

The vibrant petals felt like soft velvet against my skin.

Suddenly a hint of a familiar cinnamon scent covered the flowery scent.

I looked up to find Chan being a step away from a kiss.

For once in my life, the oh-so confident and self assured Chan looked nervous?

Uh-oh.. don't tell me he's about to tell me he shrunk my favourite Demon Slayer socks!

Or did he destroy my Nezuko body pillow??

Not my waifu..

"Oh, I'm sorry... just thought youlookperfect"

Awkwardness heavily weighed down on us as we stood there in a half embrace, staring into eachother's eyes.

"I-It's.. nevermind, I just thought this flower looked perfect on you" he barely whispered as he tucked a Rosy blossom behind my ear.


Am I having a stroke? cause a minute ago I was thinking up 100 ways of killing Bangchan and now I'm thinking of a 100 types of flowers for out wedding.

Oh good! now I'm 101% sure my cheeks are the same shade as the flower.

Bangchan lightly clears his throat and chuckles.

"I love it when you blush" he rest a hand against my cheek

"Are you so blind you can't tell between a blush and a sunburn, oh wait! my beauty has blinded you!" I swatted his hand away.

Is it even healthy for my heart to beat this fast?

yep, this will be the end of another legend.

But rather than backing away he took a step forward knocking me over and landing on the bed of flowers.

Now I can't tell if  the sensory overload wad making me dizzy or Bangchan himself.

"But I would love to make you blush in another way.." he abruptly backs away and sits beside me.

"I wasn't lying each time I said you're drop dead gorgeous, I wasn't lying everytime I told you I wanted you"

okay someone please make sense of the gibberish spewing from thay bumhole for a mouth.

His chest dramatically rose and fell as he drew in multiple deeo breaths.

"What I'm saying is.. I've fallen for you, I love you.. I love you Lee Felix so much it hurts"

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