Chapter 6 Thirsty Surprise

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Amelia woke up, her throat burned. It was dry and itchy and she felt thirsty. Looking down at herself she noticed her skin was lighter and that she was laying in a luxurious bed.
"Good morning my pet" Marcella said, waltzing into her room. Pulling back the curtains she revealed a bright moon high in the sky.
"What.... What happened?" Amelia asked, her head still spun as memories of earlier slowly drifted back to her.
"Oh my love is so generous, he made you one of us. Now we can be together forever" Marcella said as she sat on the bed and hugged Amelia.
"W...what?" Amelia asked in shock.
"You know, I've never had a daughter of my own and I have just loved having you around. I could not imagine what would happen when your mortal life ran out" Marcella said with a sigh. Amelia put her hand up to her mouth and felt the sharp pointy teeth that had not been there before.
"You made me a monster" she said shocked, looking at Marcella with fear in her eyes.
"No! We are not monsters, you will see. This life is such a great life" Marcella tried to convince her.
"How could you do this to me?" Amelia asked, her voice un even as she tried to hold the tears back.
"My pet, don't you worry, you will understand soon enough" Marcella said, reaching out to grab her hand but Amelia pulled away from her. Marcella sighed, "well then I guess my love will have to teach you first" she said as she got up and left the room. Amelia sat there in shock, the hunger inside of her growing.
"Get up now" her lord burst through the door, obviously impatient. Amelia scrambled to her feet and stood in front of him.
"Come" he commanded as he marched out, Amelia on his heel. They walked through the mansion until they got to an empty room, the only thing in it was a man crying on the floor. He pushed her in and closed the door behind them.
"What is this?" Amelia asked, her voice trembling.
"Dinner, eat" he said motioning to the man. With a dumbfound look on her face she looked between the man on the floor and her lord.
"I... I don't understand" Amelia said after a few seconds of silence. Her lord sighed as he walked over to the man, using his nails he lightly cut the man on the ground. As the blood seeped from his skin a wonderfully delicious smell wafter to Amelia's nose. Her mother started watering as her eyebrows twitch, her eyes never leaving the small amount of blood on the man. The lord stepped back and watched as he could see it effecting her. Amelia's mouth watered, she craved the red substance and she didn't know why. Slowly she stepped closer to the man who cowered back in fear.
"Use your fangs and bite, its that simple dear" he said, Amelia could feel all thoughts leave her brain as the only thing she could focus on was the man on the floor. She licked her lips and stood over the man, pushing him so his back was flat against the floor.
"Please don't kill me, i have a family and a good life" he begged and pleaded but Amelia lowered her head to his neck. The man struggled under her grasps but to her it was like holding down a teddy bear.
"I'm sorry" she whispered as she sunk her fangs into the man's neck, hitting the jugular. Blood gushed into her mouth as every nerve ending in her body got set on fire. This was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted! She gulped every drop of it, not stopping until the man was completely drained and he lay under her unmoving. Once she had regained her thought she jumped off the man and walked up.
"What have I done?" She asked terrified, she didn't know what came over her but as soon as she smelt blood she lost all reasoning.
"You did what you must to survive, wasn't it delicious?" The lord asked with an evil smirk.
"No... Yes... No!" She was confused, she couldn't get her head on straight.
"Welcome to the coven" The lord said as he opened the door to the room and left.

After that day Amelia spent most of her time learning the ropes of being a vampire. The lord gave her a small grace period of a year to control her thirst and learn to harness her powers. Marcella and Amelia grew close, she treated her like a daughter. Bought her all the best dresses, taught her how to dance and put on make up. After the grace period the lord grew tired of how she did not do any duties, she still had three lifetimes to pay back to him. He tried ordering her to kill people but she refused, though she was a vampire she still held those human moral. The lord grew impatient of her disobedience so he sought out a wizard to help him. The wizard fashioned him a collar, once placed around Amelia's neck she would not be able to deny him. She struggled at first to put it on but the lord was stronger and forced it around her neck. After that she became his assassin. He would give the order and she would do it or else the collar around her neck would slowly choke her and if she kept refusing it would eventually cut her head right off.

"Oh my pet, why do you look so sad?" Marcella asked, sitting beside Amelia and hugging her gently. Amelia fiddled with the collar around her neck.
"I miss my brothers" she said with a sigh.
"Oh hunny" Marcella said with a frown.
"I think about them constantly, i just want to know they are okay" Amelia said dropping her head down.
"I have an idea!" Marcella said shooting up from where she sat and went into the closet. Amelia got up and followed her curiously.
"Put this on" Marcella said handing her a very elegant dress. Amelia did as she was told as Marcella helped tie her up into it.
"Come now" Marcella said as she put her arm through Amelia's.

The two walked through the town like two elegant lady's. The people in town parted to make way for them, never getting to close as all eyes were on them. Amelia blushed, she had never gotten this kind of attention before. Marcella stopped outside of a dirty looking building and leg go off Amelia.
"Are you serious?" Amelia gasped as she looked up at her old home.
"Go, I will be waiting for you outside" Marcella said, smiling at her sweetly.
"Thank you" Amelia said, hugging Marcella before running up the stairs.

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