Chapter 25 The Ball

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The day of the ball had finally arrived. Amelia looked out the window and saw Arne, carrying his box of clothes. Fashioning it to his horse, he quickly tied his shoulder length hair back as he set out for the day. She smiled as she closed her curtain and walked over to her box that sat on her bed. Opening it she gasped, the fabric of it was gorgeous but what caught her attention was a small vial that laid beside a mask.

Find your prince charming

The note was covered in sparkles and Amelia knew exactly who wrote this note. Giggling, she picked up the dress and held it against her body, shocking to herself she was actually excited to go.

Arne rode to the town where he bought his suit but this time he was looking for a hair dresser.
"What can I help you with today?" A plump woman asked sweetly when Arne entered her shop.
"I am looking for a complete change" Arne said smiling up at her.
"Oh what beautiful hair" the hairdresser said running her hand through it.
"Completely cut it off" Arne said determined. The hair dressed sighed and grabbed her scissors, "alright"

Arne walked out of the shop, running his hands through his short hair that was slicked back. Smiling he got up on his horse and rode towards the kingdom that this ball was being held at. Once he got there he was greeted warmly and shown a room he could change at. Maids brought him food while he waited. Looking out the window he spotted the moon slowly rising over the mountain. 'Almost time' he thought, brushing any debris of his new black suite. The castle was light with hundreds of candles. Huge wooden doors opened in front of him and he was welcomed by the sight of hundreds of people laughing, drinking and dancing. His eyes immediately landed on a figure across the room. Tall, blonde hair, black skin tight dress with a slit that ran up her thigh. 'There's Amelia' he thought, impressed that the fairies had nailed her style to a tee. Taking a turn around the room he smiled at every pretty lady he saw and shook hands with every man. It had been such a long time since he had been to a party. Growing up his father was the guest to many balls and Arne got to tag along. The only difference was that now he didn't need to stand stiffly beside his father on his best behaviour, now he could have some fun. As he continued his walk he spotted a beautiful girl by herself. Her fire red hair was curled up in a bun, a few strands hung down and framed her masked face. She wore an emerald green dress that pushed her breasts up, was tight around the waist then flared out at the skirt. She looked at the dance floor eagerly with a cute smile on her face. Arne smirked as he walked over to her, bowing to her while he held out her hand. The music played to loudly for any conversations to be had but she understood. Smiling sweetly at him she blushed and took his hand as he led her to the dance floor. One arm snaked around her waist pulling her close while his other hand gently cupped her hand. They danced and swayed to the music, occasionally he would spin her out and bring her back. Arne looked down at her face, her baby blue eyes were striking and the way her faced was flushed and her cheeks were rosy made him smile. After the first dance he held her close ready to dance another. A playful smile played on her lips, she didn't try to move away which to Arne meant she was enjoying herself just as much as he was. Another song played, a little slower then the last as the woman moved her arms around Arne's neck. One of Arne's hands was around her back, his finger's gently danced on her skin as they slowly glided across the room. Arne decided to take a risk and lower his other hand to her hip and gently push her hips against his so she could feel how excited he was to be dancing with her. The girl giggled and bit her lip looking up at him through her eyelashes. Arne lowered his head to her neck, kissing her softly before whispering in her ear, "let's go get some air". When he moved back to look at her she smiled and nodded her head. The song ended and Arne grabbed her hand. He led her through a hidden door that led to a darkened hallway. There were a few couples lining the hall, standing very closely together, whispering things to each other. Arne matched her pace as they walked through the halls hand in hand trying to look inconspicuous as they walked. Once they passed by the couples Arne saw some stairs and he led her up them. The hallways upstairs was completely deserted, he checked each room as they passed until they found an empty bedroom. Pulling her inside he closed the door behind them, locking it so no one could interrupt them. The girl smiled as Arne turned to her, a blush across her face, she looked nervous. Arne walked up to her, wrapping one arm around her his other hand went up and caressed her face.
"You are so beautiful" he said kissing her lips gently. She smiled into this kiss as she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Arne broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, "do you want to go further?" He asked before continuing.
"Yes" the woman said breathlessly pulling Arne to her and kissing his lips.

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