Chapter 32 The Wedding Part 1

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'He knows' Raven thought angrily as she stared at Arne through the window. She watched as he gave longing looks to Amelia's house. 'I can't have her ruining the wedding' she thinks pacing back and force inside the house.
"I will make sure everything goes as planned" she says through gritted teeth. Sneaking out through the back door she snuck to the garden, picking a variety if different plants and flowers before returning home. Placing a mortar and pestle on the table she grinds the different plants to a fine paste. Filling a pot with water she waits for it to boil before adding the herbs and mixing it clockwise.
"Forget the past and come to me,
In your heart and through your eyes I will be all you see,
Focus on only our happiness and love,
Let the rest fly away like a dove,
So mote it be" Raven whispered and the pot grew a vibrant pink shade. Smiling wickedly she poured the concoction into a cup and placed it in the table opposite of her.
"Hello my love, I have brought you the finest mead! Come sit and drink!" Raven said happily. Arne looked at her with sad eyes as he sighed and sat down.
"Look there's something we need to talk about" Arne said looking up at her.
"We can talk after a drink. Please" Raven said pushing his cup closer to him. Arne grabbed the cup but did not take a sip.
"I don't know if I can go through with this wedding" he said with a sigh. Raven sat there impatiently waiting for him to drink.
"I just don't think I am in love with you" Arne said finally taking a sip from his cup.
"What was that?" Raven asked looking up at him hopefully.
"Umm.." Arne said looking at her confused.
"Take another sip and think about it" Raven urged. Arne shrugged his shoulders and finished the remainder of his drink before smiling up at her.
"I can't wait to marry you my love" Arne said, his eyes glazed over as he looked at her.
"Good because my father arrives in the morning and then we can be wed" Raven says kissing him on the cheek lovingly.

Amelia stood in a blood red colored dress as she stood outside looking at all the pastel pink flowers and bright white.
"God this is disgusting" she said placing a hand on her stomach, all this happiness and brightness made her sick. What made her even more sick was to see Arne walk around with his soon to be bride attached to him by the hip. They acted so lovey dovey together and just seeing their sweet kisses and longing looks at each other made Amelia scowl.
"Here he comes!" Ravin said excitedly as a carriage began pulling up.
"I can't wait to meet your father" Arne said nervously, standing up straight and proud. The carriage door opened and Amelia gasped in fear when she saw her lord walk out of it.
"It is a pleasure to meet you sir, I am Arne" he said bowing to him. The lord scowled down at him then quickly looked over to Amelia and a sick smile appeared on his face.
"Please, we are about to be family. Call me Marcus" he said patting Arne's shoulder. Arne stood up straight and smiled widely at him, "I love your daughter with all my heart, I promise to take of her and make sure she lives a great life" Arne said proudly.
"Hmm... yes.. I'm sure you will" Lord Marcus said unamused.
"Let me show you around" Raven said putting her arm through the Lord's and walking him around the settlement.

When they had disappeared Amelia grabbed Arne by his arm and dragged him inside his house.
"What are you doing?" Arne asked looking at her confused as she shut the door behind him.
"Don't do this... Don't marry her" Amelia begged walking up close to Arne. He took a step back uncomfortably, "I love Raven and I am going to spend the rest of my life with her".
"Arne... you can't be serious please" Amelia said, reaching up to hold Arne's face but he smacked her hand away from him.
"Raven is going to be my wife! Why do you care anyways? You hate me!" Arne yelled.
"I love you!" Amelia said, grabbing Arne by the collar, pulling him in close and kissing him on the lips. Arne froze, electricity shot through his body as his heart started pounding in his chest.
"Stop!" Arne yelled pushing her off of him.
"You are a nuisance to me! Ever since I have met you my life has been a living hell! Finally, one good thing has happened and here you are trying to destroy it" Arne yelled punching a wall beside him. Amelia didn't know what to say, tears cascaded down her face as she watched Arne in a rage.
"I hate you Amelia! Get out of my life forever!" Arne spat but his heart hurt as he uttered the words.
"Fine" Amelia said softly, wiping the tears from her face. She could feel her heart breaking in her chest, at least now she knew how he truly felt.
"Don't worry, this will be the last time you ever have to see me" Amelia said, holding back the tears as she straightened her back and walked out with what little pride she had left. Arne stood there in shock, why did his body feel so much pain and sorrow. His mind was clear and he knew he loved Raven but his heart screamed something else. His heart pained and twisted in his chest as he watched Amelia leave.

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