Chapter 13 The Bite

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Amelia laid awake while Arne slept, she hadn't needed sleep for many years. The sun slowly rose in the sky as Arne started fidgeting in his sleep showing he was slowly starting to wake up.
"Did you hear that?" Amelia asked scared jolting up.
"Whaa?" Arne's tired voice came out muffled as his face was buried in the furs.
"I.. I think I heard screaming" Amelia said, getting up and walking a few steps away from him. Arne grunted and reluctantly got out of bed.
"Fine fine! Let's go check it out" he said knowing she probably wouldn't let it go unless he came. 'All in a days work for a hero I guess' he thought, frustrated at the fact that he had to get up so early.

Amelia led the two to the camp site she had massacred in the night. The bodies were ripped apart and scratch marks covered the trees. All this was planned by her when she had come to drink but what she didn't plan were the big paw prints in the dirt, they looked fresh.
"Looks like a big wolf" she said, crouching by the paw prints and using her hand as a reference to size it.
"I knew it was just wolves, can I go back to bed?" Arne asked lazily stretching.
"You are a hero! Are you just going to let this monster go?" Amelia asked outraged.
"Don't call me that. I am no hero" Arne said sourly, after yesterday he didn't think he deserved that title.
"So you're just going to let this vicious monster run lose killing other innocent lives?" Amelia asked, her hands on her hips. She was disappointed that he had already started losing his sparkle. Arne sighed and looked over the tracks, "you are right, let's find this wolf". Amelia smiled and followed after him. The two made it to a clearing and saw the wolf laying in a pile of flowers and grass, it was about twice the size of a normal wolf.
"Are you sure you can kill it?" Amelia asks him hesitantly.
"Of course" Arne says cockily as he goes up to the wolf while it's sleeping and stabs it. The wolf wakes up growling, he lunges at Arne biting him in the shin.
"Ah ye bastard!" Arne said as he punches the wolf's head making him let go. The wolf whimpers in pain, on Arne's fingers were silver rings. Arne quickly swings his sword down and decapitates the wolf. It's body slowly changes to that of a young boys.
"What the..." Arne says but a giant wolf leapt through the trees in between Arne and Amelia. The wolf's body starts to twist and morph as it gets on it's hind legs, towering over them.
"YOU KILLED MY SON!" He growls, swiping at Amelia. His claws dug into her arms as she's knocked to the ground.
"Oh look a werewolf" Arne says smirking as he reaches into his pocket pulling out silver coins. He flicks the coins at the wolf, the coins burning the werewolf where ever they landed. The werewolf took a couple steps backwards, a loud growl erupting from it's throat before it lunges at Arne. He tackled Arne to the ground and snarled in his face. Arne quickly grabbed his silver dagger and plunged it into the wolf's side. Kicking him off Arne rolled to where he had previously dropped his sword and grabbed it. Walking over the wolf was on the ground writhing in pain, Arne smiled and plunged his sword into the wolf before climbing on top of him and pummelling punches into the wolf's skull repeatedly. Amelia quickly wrapped up her arm, she knew she would heal fast but she couldn't let Arne know she could. Standing up she watched Arne in shock, she didn't know he had this side. Screaming and still punching the dead wolf, Arne let out all his pent up anger on him.
"It's... it's dead" Amelia said walking up to him.
"Where were you" he yelled turning his attention to her.
"What?" Amelia asked a little shocked.
"You just stood there and watched! Why didn't you do anything?" Arne yelled angrily.
"I'm... I'm just a trainee, your the hero! I'm just supposed to observe!" Amelia said making up an excuse on the spot.
"Don't call me that! I am no hero" Arne growled as he stormed off. Amelia followed behind him silently until they got to camp and he took a seat by the fire.
The sweetest smell wafted up to Amelia's nose and she could feel her mouth watering.
"You're.. you're bleeding" she said, covering her mouth with her hand before her fangs came out.
"What? Oh" Arne said looking down at his leg. Placing his knife in the fire he rolled up his pants leg and examined the bite.
"Shit" he said grabbing the hot knife and slicing into his leg to pop the fang out. The blood hit Amelia and she could feel herself start shaking, she tried baking away but her back hit a tree.
"You alright?0 he asked tossing the knife to the ground and began wrapping his leg.
"I'm sorry, I can't.." she said before she tan off into the woods. The sight of it and the delicious smell drove Amelia into a frenzy. She needed to hunt before she did anything she would regret later. Stalking to the forest she quickly found a lone hunter kneeling in a bush, scoping the area.
"You will do" Amelia said grabbing the hunter from the back and holding him tight as her fangs slide into his neck. He struggled at first but the venom on her fangs cause his whole body to limp as a groan escaped his lips. Amelia smiled as the warm liquid seeped into her mouth and danced around her tongue. After draining the man she dropped his dead body to the ground and licked her lips. This will satisfy her hunger for now. 'Hopefully I will never have to experience him bleeding again' she thought shaking her head, his blood had smelt so different then other humans.

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