Chapter 8 Hello Mother

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Amelia burst through her old door and saw it was exactly how she had left it. Two mattresses on the ground, a dirty basin in the corner and three young men sitting at a broken table looking at her like she was insane. Well, at least one thing had changed.
"Isaac... Nathanial... oh my goddess, Henry!" Amelia exclaimed, placing her hands over her heart.
"Amelia?!?" The three boys exclaimed as they jumped up to their feet. Amelia ran and hugged them all, they stood their awkwardly and unsure of how to react.
"How did you escape?" Isaac asked in shock.
"Where have you been?" Nathanial asked suspiciously.
"Look at your pretty dress!" Henry said as he felt the bottom of her skirt and its silky layering.
"I have missed you all so much! Are you doing okay?" Amelia asked quickly, looking over each of the boy's dirty faces.
"Yeah, after you were taken i got a job at the mines, a year later Nathanial came with me. Henry here just turned sixteen. We have been saving money to get our own place... well we have been trying" Isaac said looking away in disappointment. Mother. Amelia knew exactly why they hadn't been able to leave this awful place.
"I am so sorry I couldn't protect you from her" Amelia said hugging Isaac.
"It's fine, but what happened to you? You look so... " Isaac started but Nathanial finished his sentence for him, "pompous? Snobby? High class?".
"Shut up" Isaac mutter under his breathe as he elbowed Nathanial in the side.
"It's fine, I know I look like this but I guess you could say this is my new life" Amelia said as she though about how much Marcella liked to dress her up in all those fancy gowns.
"I'm happy for you" Isaac said smiling though Amelia knew it was fake.
"Have you come to take us with you?" Henry asked, looking up at her with hope in his eyes. She wished she could but memories of all the awful things shes done and people she killed floated through her mind. She was a vampire living with other vampires, they wouldn't be safe with her anymore.
"No..." the look of disappointment that crossed over all their faces broke her heart.
"She's got her fancy life now! She doesn't need us anymore" Nathanial yelled angrily as he walked away from her.
"That's not it!" Amelia cried out, how could her brother think so little of her.
"Nathanial" Isaac said in a warning voice.
"Did you just come here to flaunt your new wealth? I bet she has a new family she loves more!" Nathanial angrily yelled. Amelia gasped at his outburst, she looked away and wished she could sweep her brothers from this hell hole.
"Here" Amelia said grabbing her coin purse and handing it to Isaac, "get out of here, away from her".
"Well look who it is" a shrill voice came from the open door, Amelia recognized it immediately.
"And look at those fancy clothes, I bet you have lots of money now" her mother said walking inside, she immediately spotted the coin purse in Isaacs hand.
"Give it here boy!" Her mother demanded stalking closer to Isaac but Amelia grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.
"Don't touch me you disgrace!" Her mother yelled and backhanded Amelia across the face.
"Don't touch her!" Henry yelled pulling their mother away from her.
"You ungrateful child!" Their mother took a small dagger out from a hidden place on her dress and pointed it at Henry. Isaac grabbed Amelia and brought her behind him to protect her, if only he knew. Their mother grabbed Henry and held the knife against his throat, "Give me the money. Now!" She demanded. Nathanial looked between Isaac and their mother, "what are you waiting for?" He yelled at Isaac. The coin purse was heavy in his hands and for a second he hesitated. Marcella appeared behind their mother, grabbing the hand that held the dagger so it could not hurt Henry and sunk her teeth into their mother's neck, ripping her throat out. Henry screamed and ran to the other side of the room, Nathanial and Isaac stared at Marcella with wide eyes. Marcella dropped their mother's dead body to the ground as her eyes locked with Isaac's. In one swift movement Marcella had pushed Isaac away and grabbed Amelia's wrist.
"Amelia!" Isaac cried out as he watched the vampire grab his sister and run.

"Why did you do that?!?" Amelia cried when they had made it back to the manner.
"That woman tried to kill your brother! I tried to help!" Marcella exclaimed.
"That woman. Was. My. Mother" Amelia said through gritted teeth. The two women stood there in silence, just staring at each other.
"You can never go back into town" Marcella said softly, finally breaking the silence.
"I know..." Amelia whispered. Marcella had a saddened look on her face, "I'm sorry".
"I know..." Amelia repeated blankly.

For the next twenty years Amelia worked in the shadows, doing the lord's dirty work and staying hidden from the town. The whole time she wished she could see her brothers but knew that no matter what the safest thing for them was to stay away from them.
"Amelia!" The deep voice of her lord snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Yes my lord" Amelia said, kneeling before him.
"We have a mission to go on" he said curtly.
"We?" Amelia asked confused, she had always gone on missions alone.
"Yes, I need to go to the territory beside us to talk about a peace agreement. Marcella will watch the house but I need you to watch my back" The lord said, this filled Amelia with excitement. She had never met other vampires before, and since the lord was coming they must be pretty important figures.
"Of course" Amelia said with a smile.

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