Chapter 19 I'm Sorry

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Isaac kneeled in front of Arne, "here let me get you out of those ropes" he says but Arne stops him.
"No, what if i'm not better yet" he worries but it only makes Isaac smile.
"If you were still under the influence you would have rejoiced that I was setting you free" Isaac says grabbing his dagger and cutting him free.
"Thank you" Arne said rubbing his wrists, Amelia had tied him up pretty tightly.
"So what happened? How did this happen?" Isaac asked leaning against a wall.
"I... I don't know. My memory is fuzzy. All I remember is feeling so.... Miserable and then I found this amazing place. The women. The powder" Arne sighs, "It just felt amazing. It felt like heaven".
"Felt good until it didn't eh?" Isaac said with a smirk.
"I didn't even know what was happening until she found me..."
"You are lucky to have a guardian angel watching over you"
"Ha! I wouldn't call her an angel" Arne laughed.
"She reminds me a lot of my sister when she was that age" Isaac said shaking his head.

Amelia could feel the collar around her neck slowly start tightening. 'No...' she thought as she brought her hands up to the collar, sticking her fingers between the collar and her neck for some relief. "Please Isaac don't" she whispered looking towards the little cabin that had been built in between watching over Arne when he was in the den.

"How so?" Arne asked, interested.
"My sister was mean and strict but she did it out of love. She would always scold us when we did bad things and get irritated at us when we caused to much trouble. No matter how mad at us she got we knew she did it out of love to help make us better then our mother. It's funny, whenever she was really worried she would furrow her eyebrows and wrinkles would appear right here" Isaac said pointing in between his eyebrows. Arne laughed, it made him happy so hear him talk so fondly of his sister.
"That woman... how did you meet her? She looks so much like how my sister did many years ago" Isaac asked looking at the door that Amelia left through.
"Oh, I just stumbled into her when I was trying to save this village. She's on some quest to become a Hero so she can enact revenge or something like that I can't really remember. Maybe she's your sisters daughter?" Arne said trying to connect the dots a bit though it did seem strange.
"Revenge?" Isaac says, his face lighting up with realization.

Amelia struggled to fight the collar but it kept getting tighter and tighter.
"I... can't... kill... him..." she gasped between breathes, tears falling from her eyes as she rolled around on the ground. Her eye lids flickered as stars started appearing in her eyes.
"Please...." She whispered through her struggles. The collar finally blocked her airways as she lay there unable to breathe at all. Before she passed out she thought 'fine...' as the collar released her air ways and she took a long exasperated breathe of air before coughing so hard her lunges hurt. She lay gasping for air but the collar slowly started to grip her throat tightly again. Forcing herself up she started walking towards the cabin.

"Look I don't think she's told you the truth. I think she's keeping a secret from you" Isaac said looking at Arne seriously.
"I already know she's a vampire" Arne said giving Isaac the last piece of the puzzle. The door to the cabin was kicked open and Amelia walked in, tears streaming down her face.
"Amelia.." Isaac said looking at her with a saddened look. Arne's eyes darted between the two, how did he know her name? He was pretty sure he hadn't told her yet.
"I'm... I'm sorry" Amelia stuttered before appearing in front of Isaac, sinking her teeth around his throat and ripping it out in one bite. It was the quickest way to kill someone and she didn't want his to suffer.
"Noo!" Arne yelled, trying to stand up but his legs were to weak and he fell to the ground. Amelia's body shook as she sobbed, falling to her knees. She picked up Isaacs body and cradled him in her arms. The last time she had held her brother was when they were just children and she went back to see them. Tears fell from Amelia's eyes and landed on Isaac's pale, dead face.
"I'm sorry" she whispered, kissing his forehead as she rocked back and forth with him in her arms.
"I'm sick of all this mindless killing!" Arne yelled at her. Amelia looked at him in shock, "but this is what you begged to be" she spat back at him.
"I was wrong okay! I can see that but please don't kill anymore" Arne cried.
"It's who I am. I need it to survive"
"No... you need blood to survive but if you need it then please just take mine". Amelia shook her head, "your blood is still laced with god knows what, maybe I will think about it once you've cleaned yourself up". She got up carrying Isaac's body, no more was said between Amelia and Arne. Amelia spent the rest of the day burying Isaac's body and crying over his tomb.
"I hate you..." Amelia cried, if her lord had never given her that command. If he never sent her to this accursed place. If he never put that damn collar around her neck. If he didn't try to take her brother's lives.
"Fucking asshole" Amelia mumbled, laying beside Isaacs grave. This was the one person she swore she would always protect, and now she has killed him. She couldn't save him from herself.
"I'm sorry" she cried softly, spending that next and the next couple of days beside his grave in mourning.

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