Chapter 9 A Grave Mistake

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"Your going to think I'm crazy" The older man said, grabbing his hair and shaking his head. Arne put his hand on the mans shoulder in a reassuring way, "I will believe you, I promise. Tell me". The man sighed and looked up at Arne.
"My sister, years ago was kidnapped by a vampire. I know where they live but I haven't been able to find a way to get in by myself. I hope she is still alive" the man looked down, clenching his fists as he held tears back.
"When she was taken i was to scared to do anything, I wish I would have done something, anything" a tear fell from the man's eye.
"I believe you, what is your name?" Arne asked smiling at him.
"My name is Isaac"
"How long ago was your sister taken?"
"About twenty two years ago" Arne sucked in a breathe and held his emotions steady. There was no way a human could live that long amongst vampires... unless...
"And your sure she's alive?" Arne asked.
"Yes, I can feel it in my heart. I know this is going to sound crazy but sometimes at night if I look out my window i see her. Standing on the street, looking up at me, always looking out for me" Isaac said, wiping a tear from his eye. Arne smiled at him, for some reason he believed him and he hoped that she was still alive.
"Let's go get her then" Arne said and watched as Isaac's eyes filled with hope.

Arne and Isaac reached the gate up to the manor and stopped. He walked up and opened the gate, it was unlocked.
"This is to easy" Arne mumbled.
"They have no need to lock the gage, The lord of the manor usually has guard on the grounds that will hunt you down as soon as you step through the gate" Isaac admitted, he knew from experience.
"Well it's a good thing you know someone who learned how to kill vampires in school" Arne said as he reached into his pockets and pulled out a perfume bottle, Spraying Isaac in it and himself before placing it away.
"What is this?" Isaac asked smelling himself, he smelt nothing. Not even the sweat on his body or the dirt that coated his clothes.
"It's a special potion that stops our scent from being noticed" Arne said walking through the gate. Isaac watched him enter the grounds and checked the horizon, waiting for the guards to appear but none did. Hesitantly Isaac stepped on the grounds, checking around once more.
"This is amazing" Isaac said breathlessly.
"Let's go, have you ever been inside?" Arne asked as they walked up to the manor. A shiver ran down Isaacs spine, "yes, once". Walking around the perimeter Arne noticed an open window.
"Give me a boost" Arne said nodding up to it. Isaac put his hands together and gave Arne a foot hold to boost him up to it. Sitting half in and half out of the window he looked down at Isaac, "stay here, I will save your sister" Arne promised before disappearing into the mansion.

Arne walked through the hallways with the lightest footsteps, checking every door as he went. The sound of footstep approaching caught his attention as he ducked behind a corner.
"Yes madam, I will be right back with some fresh blood" a maid said as she left, leaving the big double doors open a crack. Arne smiled, 'there they are' Arne thought with a smile. When the maid disappeared down the stairs Arne crept up to the door and gently pushed it open. A beautiful woman stood by a rack of dress as she picked through them, occasionally picking one up and pressing it against her body. Her long black hair was pinned up and curled around itself, her back and neck exposed. Arne grabbed his dagger and slowly walked towards her, trying to mimic the footsteps he heard earlier.
"That was quick my pet, what do you think of this dress?" Marcella asked turning around. As soon as her eyes landed on Arne the dagger had already pierce through her chest and into her heart. She gasped, dropping the dress and taking a few steps back. As quickly as Arne had stabbed her, he grabbed his sword and sliced Marcella's head clean off. The maid screamed and dropped the cup of blood to the ground.
"Shhh" Arne said grabbing the maid and covering her mouth with her hand. Shouts could be heard from downstairs, "are you okay my lady?".
"Tell them you are fine and I won't hurt you" Arne whispered harshly to the maid who nodded her feverishly. Slowly he released his hand but as soon as he did she screamed for help.
"Shit!" Arne yelled as he ran out of the room, footsteps could be heard pounding up the stairs. He took a few turns and found the room with the open window, jumping out of it. Landing with a thud on the grass, Isaac jumped back in surprise. Arne rolled and stood up, "run!" Arne yelled at Isaac as he took off away from the mansion. The mansion doors burst open as multiple guards so Arne and Isaac run through the gates. As the two ran through town, everyone they passed stopped and stared, for once the town guards actually stopped drinking and bolted up. The mansion guards yelling how they killed the lady of the manor. Soon everyone, guard and civilian were after them.
"Fuck!" Arne yelled as he god hit in the head with a log. He fell to the ground as a bunch of people tied him up, Isaac had been caught just a few steps in front of him. The town guard ran to them, terribly out of breathe as he stood there panting for a few seconds.
"What are we going to do with them? They killed the lady" one of the people said, scared of what had happened.
"I don't know" the guard paced around them.
"We have to do something or he will kill us all"
"Let me think!" The guard yelled before standing completely still.
"The badlands!" The guard said excitedly. Everyone around them gasped when he said that.
"Do you think that will appease the lord?"
"It has to, the worst criminals and even cannibals live there. We only send people there who don't deserve death, It's perfect!" The guard says grabbing Arne and picking him up. Arne looked over at Isaac who's face was pale white and his legs were shaking. 'What are these badlands?' Arne wondered as the guard roughly threw him onto carriage.

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